
Hello, welcome to the (beginner class)Exercises page. On this page you can practice the skills you have learned so far with us using these Challenges, categorized into different levels and lessons on our site. No need to turn any of these in to me, these are for you.

Blue-Green= Exercises

Dark Red= Challenges

Black- Super Challenges (turn in to me for chance at higher class)


Basic Building Tools

Build a simple table

Build a door

Build a simple TV room

Simple Unioning

Carve a chair or couch out of one brick with negative parts

Make the letter "D" using unions


Build a window next to door (from Exercise 1)

Make a chair with skinny legs

Practice with the Position Property Offset Fix Technique (fixing 0.1 stud offset)

Make a window with a window frame (like on my showcases)


Make a lamp

Make a lamp with a lamp shade (Hint: Use unions and cylinders)

Make a room with a creepy dark lighting effect

Make a replica of this Floor Lamp


Make a working chair or couch

Make a working bed


Make a cylinder mesh

Make a plastic Guest statue with a head mesh on top

Trees, Plants, and Advanced Unions

Make a Pine Tree

Make the letters B, C, D, G, J, O, P, Q, R, S, and U using unions

Make a regular tree with branches and all

Make a unioned rock (Look at my showcases for examples)

Make a Palm tree

Make a low ground plant

Round Bricks

Make another Guest statue, this time with round body parts like the real thing

Put round cushions on your couch

Make a small blocky-shaped planet model with trees, rivers, and mountains

Transform Tool

Practice using it (that's all I can give for this one)

Smooth Terrain

Submerge the coastlines of your terrain (land touching the water)

Make a desert region


Simple Scripting

Make a script that changes a brick's reflectance to 0.5

Make a script that adds 0.1 transparency to a brick each time it is touched

Make a script that changes a brick's color to Really Black (Hint: Use strings)

Automatic Scripts

Make a script that changes a brick's transparency back and forth from 0 to 0.5

Make a script that raises a brick's transparency by 0.02 every second.

Obby Levels

Make a script that makes floating platforms move back and forth AND some that go up and down

Make a lava kill script

Make a lava script that slowly kills the person on top
