Vice President of Development Voting

Post date: Feb 20, 2015 3:36:24 PM

Hello Everyone! As you probably saw, I released a forum link the other day like I said I would. There are some things I would like to add to that. When you PM me, I will reply with followup questions just for some quick info, and I will be checking games, your models, etc. If I find you FM'd more than 15 items, you will NOT be allowed to run for Vice President of Development. This is to prevent FM'ers from becoming basically the Lead Coder / Builder in the group.

As of now, 1 person has PM'd me that they want to run for Vice President of Development. As I was tired when I looked at it, the full profile check of that user will take place later on today. He's already responded to the followup questions, and according to him (didn't check this out yet) he is a Developer in the group.

I want this voting to go smoothly as possible, so if you have any suggestions, then please PM me.



Authority / Webmaster