Building Skills 001- Tile Patterns

Greetings everybody! I am Domswolf and I would like to welcome everybody to the first lesson of the Building Skills course, and the Honor's Class. In this course, Electiz and I will teach you all the basic skills, tips, and tricks that we use every single day we build. Today I will be discussing tile patterns.

You may have seen some showcases using this technique. This is when you place bricks on floors, walls, or whatever to make a custom pattern or material. Here is an example from Electiz' showcase Cape Cod.

With some practice, making patterns like bricks and wood planks can be quite easy. Let's go into studio and try it out. What is important to keep in mind is that every developer has their own way or "style" of doing things. I will show you my way and then show you a few other ways including the Electiz way.

So as you can see, I have my base part. This obviously represents the area my pattern will cover. We are going to do a simple wood plank floor for starters. Let's now place one plank inside the brick. I usually use the dimensions 5.2 by 0.8 for the plank.

Now obviously we don't want the brick inside brick glitch happening in our project. To fix this, go to your position values and increase the Y value by 0.05 studs (again, just the way I do it).

When we make multiple planks we can't see the gaps in between and we can't see the base layer. What you do is go to your size settings in properties and change your x and z axis so they have 0.001, 0.025, or maybe 0.5 studs less for each value (your choice). Once you have filled a strip like in the picture (shows 0.025)...

...You will want to duplicate the strip, put it next to the old one, and move it a little bit so that it is different than the one from before in terms of when a strip ends and begins, like this.

Copy this technique over and over until you have filled your whole area, and just like that, you have a wood plank floor. You can also do this to make bricks, tiles, and many more patterns.

One other way to do it is not change the size of the brick, and just have the outline surface on all sides. This is also a good way to do it because it simulates a perfect wood plank floor like in your own homes.

Electiz does this a similar way but unlike me, he keeps the base brick the same color as the planks. least in Cape Cod. When it comes to planks he has many different styles he likes to use. This style shown here makes the wood plank effect stick out but doesn't make it look like a tile floor with cement in between the tiles. You have the freedom to choose how you want to do it, because after all, everyone has their own style.




Make a brick wall

Make a wood plank floor

Make a vertical wood plank wall

Make your own unique floor pattern