Advanced Unions 001- Union Review

Hello! Welcome to the first class in the Advanced Union course. In this course we will really be able to understand how important the union update was. I started building when unions came out, so I never saw a time in which they weren't there, but life without them still seemed painful. The key to this course is to replace everyday mesh use. As I showed you in the Dev Trainee class, plant meshes can be created using unions, and they make the plants look more detailed and textured.

Unfortunentally for some of you who have already mastered the skills I taught previously, I will be doing some review in this first lesson. We will just be doing some union exercises to refresh your memory. We will start by making some letters with cylinder unions. Only letters with roundness like B or G. We will do G.

Take a brick, put a cylinder mesh inside of it. And rotate it so it is upright like this:

Duplicate the cylinder and make it smaller by any amount you want on each side. The more you downsize the negative part, the thicker the brick will be. Make it a negative part and cut it out.

Now take another negative part and lay it over the union like so. This is where as you will notice, the curve cuts off on an actual letter G.

Now take two bricks, and place them like so (obviously). And you have a unioned G shape. You can practice by doing this with all the letters. It may help even make a logo for a building if you run a group of some kind.

So that was some good review. We should also review rounded bricks. You saw this picture in the Dev Trainee lesson for rounded bricks. But this picture actually doesn't show the full story. It is not the same as this picture I had shown previously in the lesson.

So what you do to match the roundness of the second picture is this. First, take a cylinder. then duplicate it and make it 0.2 studs smaller on all 4 sides. Make it a negative part and make the union. Basically do the same thing you did with the letter G

Now what you want to do is take two normal bricks and lay it over your site like this. Make them into negative parts and cut it out.

Great work! This concludes our review lesson. Next time we will be working with even more plants.




Make the letter B using unions

Make your best version of the chair shown in the picture

Make a flat speech bubble model with unions.