Castaway Updates 1/27/15

Post date: Jan 28, 2015 1:03:07 AM

Hello, Domswolf here. I want to talk about a serious issue going on in the filming department.

A lot of you are asking "When is Castaway finally coming out?" To that, I say that Castaway would be running a lot faster if more people would participate. We need people to be more committed to a great thing. It's looking amazing so far, but we have to get our heads in the game. Every time I try to have filming, we always have the right number of people online, some of them don't respond or have to go, but most of them won't accept my party requests. This way I cannot get a hold of them. Out of (as of writing this) 10 actors online, it shouldn't take 30-40 minutes to gather 3 of them for filming.

So what do we do about it? I suggest we make a set schedule right here on our website. This includes times, dates, what set, and how many actors are needed. If any IT member still wants to join as an actor, PM me on Roblox.

To conclude, if we get into the practice of doing at least 3 sessions a week, Castaway can be done in around two months, and I mean the entire series.

Now in positive news, the Castaway script is nearly complete, it's looking like 6-7 episodes. Episode 1 is complete except for voice acting (which I am trying to make the VAs more active) and Episode 2 is nearly done being filmed. If we do 3 filming sessions a week, we can have one episode done around every two weeks. As the editor, the series is looking amazing and I am really proud of all the work every contributor has done and I'm just as exited as you are for the release.

PS: On the Castaway Page, I will soon be setting release dates for the episodes. They will come out Friday Nights. Thank you for reading!