Pro-creationists miss the point in scientific inquiry

SCMP Education Mailbag - (Feb 28, 2009)

All five pro-creationist letters (Mailbag Special, Education Post, February 21) reveal an ignorance of what has clearly been stated by the more rational members of the community. One writer asked: 'How can scientists be sure there is no god?' This reveals a basic lack of understanding of science.

Scientists can be no more sure that there are no garden trolls, bed monsters or spiteful leprechauns than that there is no god. Science looks at the evidence, and it is up to the people who claim that there are trolls, monsters, leprechauns and gods to provide the evidence.

Another writer asked: 'If man evolved from apes, why do we still have apes?' Again this reveals a lack of understanding of evolution, which is further reason for schools to continue teaching it.

I could continue to reveal the lack of understanding among pro-creationists but suffice it to say all the previously published letters by reasonable writers have clearly implied that creationism can be taught in non-science classes.

This message is conveniently ignored, in seems, perhaps because pro-creationists know that giving children a proper education, including teaching evolution in science classes and teaching about the world's faiths in non-science classes, will equip future generations with the means to determine for themselves what they wish to believe, rather than to blindly accept what their elders wish them to believe.

