Creationism a complex issue

SCMP Letters to the Editor - (Mar 19, 2009)

Things about creation are much more complicated than Ben Richardson may imagine. In his letter ('No need to ban creationism', March 11), he favours the teaching of creationism in Hong Kong schools, so that by putting it under the cold scrutiny of science, 'God ends up where he belongs - with Santa Claus and the tooth fairy in the dustbin of childhood memories'.

You cannot claim that only what can be proved is true and leave out the rest. Love, loyalty and friendship cannot be measured in a scientific fashion, so should we assume they do not exist?

Here's an example for Mr Richardson: the big bang theory. It is spelled out in the first book of the Bible, called Genesis. Pope Innocentius III held the fourth Lateran Council in November 1215 and, since then, this theory forms part of church teachings.

That same concept was derided by most scientists as a sign of the church's backwardness, but is now universally accepted.

Angelo Paratico, Mid-Levels