If man evolved from apes, why do we still have apes?

SCMP Education Mailbag - (Feb 21, 2009)

It was interesting reading about the continuing debate between creationists and evolutionists, which poses some interesting questions and observations.

As far as creation theory is concerned, it would appear self-evident that it happened. Everything is here in perfect order and balance.

Also, according to science, it has been so for billions of years. However, science has failed to adequately explain how it arrives at that figure.

What makes it even more interesting is the fact that the one (and I might add the only one) who claims responsibility for this creation has come and spoken about it. He called himself God.

Science itself has not created anything without using what God put here in the first place as a base.

Medical science has not been able to cure sickness or disease, heal crippled limbs, make the blind see or the deaf hear without using medicines, drugs or operations.

Yet God did it, as many bore witness who experienced or saw what we call miracles even if we do not know how it was done yet.

Evolution is a different kettle of fish. One big question remains unanswered.

If man evolved from apes, why do we still have apes?

Perhaps science should be less concerned with how, when and where creation came about and more concerned with why God created this earth and all that there is upon it, and perhaps listen to the counsel he gave to those he spoke to.

Unfortunately it seems to be the disposition of many academics, who acquire only a minute fraction of the creator's intelligence, to become arrogant, and think that what they know is all there is to know.


Queensland, Australia