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  • 加入網頁製作,令這網頁更加好,有興趣者請電郵我們。

  • Join our team in authoring this page to make it better. E-mail us if your are interested.

  • 通過提供資源,特別是中文資源,介紹進化論﹑反駁神創論﹑智慧設計論。

  • Provide resources,to that links to places that contains good information about evolution,debunking creationism/intelligent design. We wanted a lot of Chinese materials! Translate them to Chinese if possible!

  • 宣傳有關生物科課程綱要問題,引起更多關注。

  • Spread the word around about this problem in the Biology Curriculum.

  • 舉報﹑揭露那些在科學堂教授神創論﹑智慧設計論﹑偽科學和無故攻擊/質疑進化論的學校/老師,把資料電郵我們,我們會視乎證據,考慮公佈他們的名字,或者轉介教育局。

  • Report to us via E-mail schools/teachers who teach creationism/intelligent design,psuedosciences or attack evolution in science class. Depend on the evidence,we may announce their names or refer it to the Education Bureau.