蕭惠卿 Siu Wai Hing

蕭惠卿 個人簡介及創作意念






電郵 : hinghing018@gmail.com

Siu Wai Hing : Biography and Concept of Creation

After awarded the higher certificate of Chinese Ink Painting from Further Studies of Chinese University of Hong Kong, Wai Hing followed several renowned masters and focused on using salt as medium to create art work on modern Chinese ink painting.

Apart from painting, she has tried to promote modern Chinese ink painting , such as teaching in schools and community organizations, especially during being the president of Contemporary Innovative Ink Painting Association (2019-2020).

She has participated in various local and overseas art exhibitions. Paintings have been collected by different institutions.

When creating an art piece, Wai Hing must first construct the frame of the picture whole-heartedly. After she outlines the picture in mind, she sprays salt and water on whole piece of xuan paper. After many times of modifications, a desired Chinese ink painting with montage effect may be done.

Audiences have to view the painting from different angles, and with some imagination and thoughts, they would be shocked by the majestic natural scenery presented by the art piece in front of them.

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