Review and Prospect




香港現代水墨的發展與劉國松老師當然有著重要的關係。1971年,他移居香港,應聘於香港中文大學藝術系,首創「現代水墨畫」課程。1973年,他又創辦了「現代水墨畫文憑課程」於香港中文大學校外進修部,推廣現代水墨畫創作, 1975年,第一屆「現代水墨畫文憑課程」的畢業生在香港藝術中心舉辦了『現代水墨畫展』,參加展覽的畫家有梁少華、卓鴻鐸、賴芳英等。翌年,他們又舉辦了第二屆現代水墨畫展覽;到1977年,這些學生和一些仍然就讀於藝術系的學生如李旭初等在香港社團註冊處登記,成立了「現代水墨畫協會」。1983年畫會重組,除了加入第二屆「現代水墨畫文憑課程」的部份學員,有郭漢深、鍾立崑,陳成球等;還招納了香港中文大學藝術系的同學,有劉偉基、楊國芬、李君毅等和第三屆「現代水墨畫文憑課程」的畢業同學,分別有劉威、黃耿卿、陳君立、莫慶靈、劉金芝等等。


為了更好推動會務的發展,畫會於2012年後,每年都向外招募新會員;新增的會員都是志同道合、造詣湛深的藝術家。現有會員(2017年3月):陳成球、鍾立崑、梁棟材、劉金芝、陳君立、楊國芬、關天穎、派瑞芬、岑苑樺、康雁屏、蕭柏強、陳澤輝、陳燕雲、杜之外、黃惠強、游梅珍、葉世琼、高杏娟、江玉庭、簡志雄、阮國光、冼 紈、李景民、黃宏達、胡小萍、梁志榮、梁玉儀、譚淑娟等共廿八人。





香港現代水墨畫會 會長

Review and Prospect

of Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society

In all these forty years starting from 1977 to 2017, we strived to persevere playing an indomitable role in the course of development in art of Hong Kong; and came to be part of the components.

The development of Hong Kong Modern Ink got an important relationship with Mr. Liu Kuo-sung. Mr. Liu moved to Hong Kong in 1971, being invited by The Chinese University of Hong Kong for Department of Arts, he introduced the course of “Modern Ink Painting”. Moreover, Mr. Liu founded “Modern Ink Painting Diploma Course” in the School of Continuing Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1973, promoting the creation of modern ink painting. The first graduates of “Modern Ink Painting Diploma Course” organized “Modern Ink Painting Exhibition” at Hong Kong Arts Centre in 1975. Artists attended the exhibition were Leung Siu-wah, Cheuk Hung-tuo, Lai Fongying, etc. And they continued a second exhibition of modern ink painting in the following year. By 1977, these first graduates together with some students who still enrolled in the Department of Arts, like Lee Yuk-chor, registered in Hong Kong under Societies Ordinance, gave birth to the “Modern Chinese Ink Painting Association”. The Association was reorganized in 1983, in addition to some of the graduates of the following year, like Kwok Hon-sum, Chung Lap-kwan, Chan Shing-kau and some students of Arts Department of Chinese University were invited, they were Lau Wai-ki, Yeung Kwok-fan, Lee Chun-yi and some graduates of class 1977 like Lau Wai, Wong Keng-hing, Chan Kwan-lap, Mok Hing-ling, Lau Kam-chee, etc.

Though the staying and leaving of members experienced vicissitudes, the total number of membership maintained around 15; we even invited talented and liked-minded after millennium, enabled our team grew stronger, and number of members doubled. Ink event were held again and again under our efforts, thus we had drawn the attention of art scene.

In order to better promote development, the Society recruited new members every year after 2012; new members are like-minded and with great attainments artists. 28 members as at March, 2017 are: Chan Shing-kau, Chung Lap-kwan, Leung Tung-choi, Lau Kam-chee, Chan Kwan- lap, Yeung Kwok-fan, Bonnie Kwan, Nina Pryde, Shum Yuenwah, Brenda Hong, Siu Pak-keung, Chan Chak-fai, Chan Yin-wan, Jiwye To, Wong Wai-keung, Yau Mui-chun, Ip Sai-king, Ko Hang-kuen, Chiang Yu-ting, Kan Chi-hung, Yuen Kwok-kwong, Sin Yuen, Lee King-man, Wong Wang-tat, Wu Siu-ping, Leung Chi- wing, Leung Yuk-yee and Tam Shuk-kuen. Members’ artworks are extensively collected by foreign museums, galleries, art education institutions and private collectors.

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Creative Arts Center was opened in March, 2008. The Society successfully applied a 500 square feet unit as our clubhouse, so that long-term displaying of members’ artworks and modern ink painting course could be held. As a result, the Society entered the category of art education and meets the aims of “organizing relevant promotion, education and academic activities”. There are long-term and short-term courses; short-term courses are interest groups take part in clubhouse, limited to 8 to 10 people and twelve talks as one unit; long-term courses are introducing diploma or high diploma courses in cooperation with “continuing education institutions”.

Name of the Society was changed to “Hong Kong Modern Chinese Ink Painting Society” from “Modern Chinese Ink Painting Association” in 1989; and rectified as “Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society Company Limited” in 2008 ( “Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society” is still use for external publicity). Apart from the meager annual fee of members, most of our business expenses relying on donation of interested parties, sponsor of artistic institutions and foundations, or sponsor of venue by concerned Hong Kong Government Departments in joint form. After improvement of system, we hope we have more recognition of the community, support and faced up by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, so that “Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society” could play maximum effectiveness and light shiny in Hong Kong art scene continuously.

Chan Shing-kau

Chairman of Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society

Translated by Winnie Leung Yuk Yee