Sin Yuen


冼 紈


曾參與重要展覽:(2005)現場灣仔---國際藝術交流坊、Mirror Space---冼紈近作展、(2010)<有你.無我>---從何兆基到鄺鎮禧、(2012)讓作品為自己說話---冼紈、文晶瑩裝置作品展、<思嗦>---香港中文大學藝術碩士畢業展2012、(2013)伙炭藝術工作室開發計劃2013、(2014)白線的張力---中國現代水墨大展。1993年獲香港夏利豪現代藝術基金頒最具潛質藝術家獎(繪畫組) 。作品為香港藝術館、香港文化博物館及中國山東省博物館收藏。

Sin Yuen

born in Hong Kong in1967, a graduate of Chinese University of Hong Kong, Bachelor of Arts degree in 1990 and Master of Art degree in Fine Art in 2012 was attained. She started her work in contemporary ink in 90s and is a member of the Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society. Exhibitions held includes Wanchai – Hong Kong International Artists’ Workshop 2005, Mirror Space – Recent Paintings by Sin Yuen 2005, You Are Here, I am Not – Lui Chun Kwong 2010, Let the works speaks for themselves: Installation by Sin Yuen and Phoeba Man 2012, “See Saw” – CUHK MA Fine Art Graduation Show 2012, Fotan Open Studio Programme 2013, “The Tension of White Line” – Modern Chinese Ink Art Exhibition 2014. Achieved Manulife Younf Artist Series ’93 in Philippe Charriol Modern Arts Exhibition (Hong Kong). Artworks were collected by the Hong Kong Museum of Art, the Hong Kong Heritage Museum and the Shandong Provincial Museum, China.

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