Chan Shing Kau


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師從劉國松教授及馬國權教授。現為中國美術家協會會員、香港美協會員、國際水墨畫聯盟會員。 現任香港現代水墨畫會會長、中華陳氏書畫家協會創會副會長、當代創意水墨畫會顧問、鄭州昇達經貿管理學院客座教授、香港中文大學專業進修學院現代水墨畫兼任導師、「全球水墨畫大展2017、2020」評審委員。


CHAN Shing-Kau

Chan Shing-kau graduated from the Department of Art of Grantham College of Education, the Chinese Faculty of the Hong Kong Baptist University and finished a diploma course in modern ink painting at the Extramural Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

He studied modern Chinese ink painting under Professor Liu Guosong and Chinese Calligraphy, Seal Carving under Professor Ma Kwok Kuen.

He is member of the China Artists Association, the International Chinese Ink Painting Association, Chairman of the Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society, Vice-chairman of the Chinese Chen Clan Association of Chinese Calligraphy and Paintings, Consultant of the Contemporary Innovative Ink Painting Association, Visiting Professor of the Sheng Da College, Part-time Instructor of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Adjudicator of the Ink Global 2017 & 2020.

Chan has held 18 self exhibitions and hundreds of joint exhibitions in Hong Kong, China and Overseas.

進 階 資 料 有 關 本 畫 家

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