Bonnie Kwan Huo



畢業於美國加省大學,並獲香港大學教育文憑。 歷年個展於香港、深圳、溫哥華、台北、多倫多、滿地可、墨爾本、雪梨、三藩市、洛杉磯、印弟安那波里市。



Bonnie Kwan Huo

Bonnie has received B.A. from University of California at Berkeley, Dip.Ed. from University of Hong Kong. She has held over 10 solo exhibitions in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Vancouver, Taipei, Toronto, Montreal, Melbourne, Sydney, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Indianapolis, and numerous major group exhibitions in China and abroad.

A recipient of several art awards and was Visiting Artist at University of Indianapolis in 2001. She is an Examiner for Hong Kong Arts Development Council since 1999; Chairman of the Hong Kong University Museum Society; Vice-President of the Zonta Club of Hong Kong; Juror for open art competitions in Hong Kong organized by the Home Affairs Department since 2002.

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