Christina Tung



2011 年起師承當代重彩大師林天行老師及嶺南派大師林湖奎老師修習水墨畫。2018 年師從書法家張聖果老師鑽研書法。在同年年底,獲上海視覺藝術學院的「水墨高峰班」取錄,爲東南亞中被挑選的十五位藝術家其中之一,師從現代水墨之父劉國松老師。

Christina Tung (also known as Shan Ying)

Christina Tung (a.k.a. Shan Ying) is a Hong Kong artist and the founder of Cheer Bell Gallery. Feathers have been a recurring subject in her artworks to construct a free-spirited imagery, reflecting her aspirations in freedom and experience in life. In her view, the utmost happiness comes from the freedom of thought.

Since 2011, Christina has been a student of contemporary ink colour Master Lam Tian Xing and Lingnan school ink painting Master Lam Wu Fui. In 2018,

Christina began studying Chinese calligraphy under Chinese Calligrapher Mr. Cheung Sing Kwo. By late 2018, she was selected to be one of the fifteen students in Southeast Asia to attend the “Contemporary Ink Talent Peak Class” at Shanghai Institute of Visual Art under the guidance of Master Liu Kuo- sung, Father of Modern Ink Painting.

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