Chan Kwan Lap


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陳氏作品為香港藝術館、香港區域市政總署博物館、台北市立美術館、台灣省立美術館、國立台灣藝術教育館、江蘇省美術館、成都現代藝術館、青島市美術館、山東博物館、山東省濰坊市博物館、上海市對外文化交流協會、日本日創會、韓國大邱美術館、河南鄭州中原書畫院美術館、鳳凰城美術館、天一閣博物館(中國寧波)、馬來西亞藝術學院、美國 1997 MOUNTAIN LAKE COLLECTION,香港大一藝術設計學院,宏恩基督教學院、大公報及中外人士收藏。其畫作亦已編入「現代山水畫庫」、「中國美術書法界名人名作博覽」(下卷)、「中國當代藝術界名人錄」(第二卷)、「世界華人美術家年鑑1996」、「世界華人成就博覽大典」、「世界名人錄」、「中華人物辭海‧當代大文化卷」、「中國現代繪畫史」<當代之部一九五O至二OOO>及「新世紀中國山水畫二百家


Chan Kwan Lap

Born in China. Chan Kwan Lap completed a certificate course in Modern Chinese Ink Painting at the Department of Extra-mural Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1981. In 1985 he was awarded a Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts at Concordia University, Canada. In 2006 he was awarded the Master Degree of Fine Art by the RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) University. He has been honored with a prize for “Creativity in the Modern Interpretation of Ink & Colour” by the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, a prize of distinction in the “Beijing International Ink & Wash Painting Exhibition 88” by the Academy of Chinese Painting , a prize of distinction in “The Grand Competition of Modern Chinese Ink Painting and Calligraphy” by the Foreign Culture Exchange Association of China, the Special Invitation Honor Prize at the 4th Contemporary Chinese Landscape Painting Exhibition.and the prize of creativity in the 5th Contemporary Chinese Landscape Painting Exhibition by the Central Chinese Ink Painting and Calligraphy Academy in Hu Nan, China.

Since 1981 Chan has held 19 solo Exhibitions and more than 150 joint exhibitions, he has published 5 self art albums. He is now member of consulting committee of Federation of International Tsai-Mo Artists, honorary president of Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society, consultant of the Art of Creative Painting Association, modern ink painting part-time instructor of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His works are now in the collections of Hong Kong Museum of Art, Museum Section of the Regional Services Department of Hong Kong,

Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan Museum of Art, Jiangsu Prvince Museum of Art (China), Chengdu Modern Art Exhibition Hall (China), Quing Dao Museum of Art (China), Shan Dong Museum, Weifang Museum (Shan Dong China), Shanghai Foreign Culture

Exchange Association (China), Taiwan Art Education Institute, Teagu Culture & Art Centre (Korea), The Museum of Hu Nan Central Academy of Arts, Phoenix Art Museum, Tianyi Pavillian Museum of Arts, Malaysia Institute of Art, USA 1997 MOUNTAIN LAKE

COLLECTION, First Institute of Art and Design (Hong Kong), Gratia Christian College, The Association of Creative Japanese Contemporary Arts, Tai Kung Po (Chinese Newspaper) and private collectors.

His works have also been selected and included in “The selected Works of Modern Chinese Landscape Paintings”, “The Dictionary of Famous Artists and Masterpieces of Chinese Art & Calligraphy” (Vol.II), “The Chinese Contemporary Masters of Arts”

(Vol.II) and “The Dictionary of the Achievements of World Chinese Artists”, “Record of the World Famous People,“The Dictionary of Chinese People • The Book of Contemporary Grand Culture.” and the Modern Art History of China <the contemporary section 1950-2000> and “The book of 200 selected

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