Yik Hang



Yik Hang

Yik Hang enrolled in Suzhou Art and Design Technology Institute, well trained with Chinese and Western painting when she was young. She learned from great masters such as Fu Bo Shek, Ng Gu Mok and Chan Dai Yu. Yik Hang has become attached to ink paintings for more than half a century.

She participated in “Tomorrow” joint exhibition in the 17th World Culture Festival in Seoul. She also published the article “Art and Health” in the International Forum. She also actively engaged in art exchange in mainland China since then. In 2016 and 2017, her works were selected for Ink Global, as well as other Ink painting exhibitions. She held solo exhibition at Chinese cultural center in Sydney Australia, solo exhibition and lecture at Xin Jin Shan Chinese library in Melbourne. In 2016, she held a solo exhibition at Yan Gallery in Hong Kong.

At present, Yik Hang is a columnist of Hong Kong Economic Journal, vice chairman of Hong Kong Exchange of Culture and Art Association, vice president of World Council of women artists (Hong Kong) and director of Chinese Painting Society (Hong Kong). Her paintings have been collected by various Chinese and foreign institutions as well as private collectors.

鱗次櫛比 52.5 cm X 45 cm

秋晴眺遠 56cm X 136

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