Written on the 40th Anniversary





被譽為「現代水墨畫之父」的劉國松老師,就是深刻體認此一文化主體性的重要意義,在年青時便提出高掌遠蹠的主張:「模仿新的,不能代替模仿舊的;抄襲西洋的,不能代替模仿中國的。」他於1 9 5 6 年在台北成立「五月畫會」,其後又於1 9 6 8 年創建「中國水墨畫學會」, 皆是試圖通過畫會的集體力量,建立一種有別於西方畫系的東方藝術新傳統。國松師1 9 7 2 年到香港中文大學任教後, 在校外進修部首創「現代水墨畫」的課程,倡導一種以中國美學思想為核心的現代藝術創作。

在國松師的鼓勵誘掖下, 其學生於1 9 7 7 年成立「現代水墨畫協會」, 相互砥礪以建立一個既富民族精神又有時代意義的中國新繪畫傳統,並進而使之代表東方畫系來與西方藝術相抗衡。隨著香港藝術市場的活絡,商業利益淡化了集體理想的追求,而各種展示空間的落成使用,也增加了個人展出的機會,「畫會時代」的黃金歲月似乎已今非昔比。然而「現代水墨畫協會」成立至今將屆四十年,卻能不斷引進新血以維持團體的活力,屹立不搖地成為香港藝壇舉足輕重的一股力量。





Written on the 40th Anniversary

of Hong Kong Modern Ink Painting Society

Chinese art scene for a century, there were countless painting groups organized, those who occupied earth shaking situation like “Chueh Lan She” in early days of Shanghai, or the “Fifth Moon Group” of Taiwan later and the “One Art Group” of Hong Kong, were the ones who understood the pulse of the times, putting forward a forward-looking artistic proposition.

As China has suffered an unprecedented impact of Western civilization in all these years, and intellectuals got the feeling of declination of national culture, they embarked on an anti-traditional road aiming at the new Western way. Under the influence of Europe and United States, and the leadership of painting societies, the development of Chinese art set off waves of artistic trendy. However, in the new era of twenty-first century, looking at changes of thinking of the world, whether it was “post-modern” or “post-colonialism”, the focus was diversity and autonomy of culture. Coupled with the continuous improvement of economic strength of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, the development of Chinese art in the “globalization” trend could no longer be subjected to the Western domineering hegemony as before.

Mr. Liu Kuo-sung, known as “ Father of Modern Ink Painting”, was deeply aware of this important culture subjectivity meaning; he even raised his claims at his early age : “Imitating old ones could not be replaced by imitating those new; copying the Western could not replace imitating the Chinese.” “Fifth Moon Group” was established by Mr. Liu in 1956 in Taipei, and then “Chinese Ink Painting Institute” in 1968; he was trying to create a new oriental art which is different from the Western painting through the collective power of painting societies. Mr. Liu founded a “Modern Chinese Ink Painting” course in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies in The Chinese University of Hong Kong when he came to Hong Kong in 1972; and advocated a modern art creation focused on Chinese aesthetics.

Under the encouragement of Mr. Liu Kuo-sung, his students set up the “Modern Ink Painting Association” in 1977; they did mutual tempered, and established a new Chinese painting tradition with rich national spirit and contemporary significance, and thus represented the oriental painting system contrasting with Western art. With the active movements of Hong Kong art market, commercial interests diluted the pursuit of collective ideals; and the completion of various display space enable individuals opportunity of exhibition increased. The golden age of “Painting groups era” seemed had been gone. However, the “Modern Ink Painting Association” has been set up for forty years, she is able to continue recruiting new members to maintain the vitality of the Association, and stand as a pivotal force of Hong Kong art scene.

I have the honor to be lectured by Mr. Liu, and participated in the activities of “Modern Ink Painting Association” for over 10 years; under the leadership of the two Chairmen, Mr. Chan Shing-kau and Mr. Chan Kwan-lap, we worked hard together for our ideals. The artistic belief and practical results adhered to by the “Modern Ink Painting Association” in these 40 years set an indelible historical

merit, hoping it keep thrive continuously, and add a colorful new page to the development of Chinese art in 21st century.

Lee Chun Yi

PhD of Chinese Art History

Professor of National Taiwan Normal University

Translated by Winnie Leung Yuk Yee