Anita Wong






她於2009年至2012年在美國(Ohlone College 及 Chabot College)進修西畫,包括素描、人體寫生?水彩畫及商業美術等課程。修讀期間,連續三年入選學生美術年展,亦獲 Davis Sun Gallery 及 Hayward Art Council 邀請展出作品,甚獲好評。作品為中外機構及私人收藏。


2014年:水墨星秀展 一 「舞 - 黃妙馨現代水墨畫展」




2018年 :香港大學專業進修學院 「中國繪畫第六屆畢業展」



Wong Miu Hing Anita

Wong Miu Hing Anita is an instructor for children’s arts. She graduated from Hong Kong Baptist College in Economics.

Since 1986, she has studied Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese Bird-and-Flower Painting, Chinese Figure Painting, Chinese Landscape Painting , both Fine Brushwork,? and Freehand Brushwork.? She hold a certificate of School of Continuing and Professional Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong in Teaching Children in Chinese painting. In 2013, she studied Modern Chinese Ink Painting Creation under teacher Chan Shing-Kau in School of Continuing and Professional Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. In 2018, she graduated from HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education in Diploma in Chinese Painting.

She is members both of Friends of Hai Tian Zhai, Hong Kong and Contemporary Innovative Ink Painting Association.

From 2009 to 2012, she studied Descriptive Drawing, Figure And Composition, Watercolour Painting, and Commercial Art both at Ohlone College (USA) and Chabot College (USA).? During these years, her art works were showed in the Annual Students Art Exhibition. She was also invited to join the shows in Davis Sun Gallery and Hayward Art Council.

Art works on public and private collection.

2013 :School of Continuing and Professional Studies of The Chinese University?of Hong Kong in Modern Art Ink Painting Creative Joint Exhibition

2014:Hong Kong? Modern Ink Art Show 「 Dance - Modern Ink Painting Exhibition of Anita Wong」

2015 :Ink Painting Confluence Show

2015 :The Ink Painting Carnival

2016 :Ink Asia

2018 :The Sixth Graduated Exhibition in Chinese Painting of HKUSPACE

Since 2004, Friends of Hai Tian Zhai, Hong Kong , biennial exhibition.

Since 2013, Contemporary Innovation Ink Painting Association, annual exhibition.

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