Kan Chi Hung


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1 9 9 8年起積極參與香港及中國各地之展覽活動,作品曾多次入選「香港當代藝術雙年展」,並於2005年以作品「遊心」獲取第十五屆香港藝術雙年展「中國繪畫組別藝術獎」。2008年獲得美國維蒙特州藝術創作中心獎學金,赴美國作為該中心留駐藝術家並舉辦個人展覽。作品為香港藝術館及中外人士所收藏。

Kan Chi Hung

Kan Chi Hung was born in Hong Kong. He completed Chinese landscape painting and Chinese calligraphy diploma courses in Hong Kong. He also studied ink painting under Mr Poon Chun-wah.

He has participated in many art exhibitions both in Hong Kong and the Mainland China since 1998. His works have been selected in Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition. He was a winner of the Prize of Excellence of the “15th Hong Kong Art Biennial Exhibition” in 2005. In 2008, he was awarded Freeman Fellowship for the artist-in-residence at Vermont Studio Centre, U. S. A. His works have been collected by the Hong Kong Museum of Art and private collectors.

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