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Hardy Rock Closing

posted Apr 20, 2018, 4:29 PM by Barry Rowland

The closing dinner saw the play-offs for the Len Beliveau Trophy (the final competition of the year. This year it was won in convincing fashion by Team Cameron comprised of Gerry Foliot, Edmond Lebeouf, Alain Caouette and skip Bob Cameron. As usual the trophy was presented by Millie Beliveau. 

The Tom Sayer trophy, emblematic of the most competitive Hardy Rock league was presented to team Rowland consisting of Bob Fournier, Bill Atkins, Barry Rowland, John Coutts and skip Paul Rainbow. Once again this year the trophy was presented by Shirley Sayer and the ladder convener Jim Markham.

 There were several ex-Hardy Rocks on hand, including Madeline Carmichael, Mellie Hannaford, Jack Bannon, Jim Markham, Bill Sansom Derek Halbert, and soon to be returning Peter Atwood.

We had 82 people present for a wonderful roast beef dinner put on by Barb Robinson, with a great crew of helpers including Joan Bazar, Rod Hodgson, Peter Mansell, Fred Albert, Jeanette Albert and Gwen Periard.

Special thanks were given to our volunteer bartenders Jim Markham, Bill Sansom, Bob Hart, Mike Sheppard and Mike Devine.

Bill Sansom informed us that the tip jar for the volunteer bartenders collected $409 all to be donated to the poppy fund.

Special thanks to Neil Tomiuk for all his work with the school children.

A final salute, thank you  and goodbye to Joan Hughes who is retiring after more than 15 years of service with the legion. Her work and effort were greatly appreciated.

Jay de la Durantaye, curling club president, explained what efforts were being made to increase the numbers of night curlers and get more activities on the weekend. Also he talked about efforts to have more interaction between the day and evening curlers. Jay also announced that the new General Manager of the legion would be Terry Connolly.

The dinner ended with many prizes being given out including the 50/50 draw with $250 going to Dorothy Gauthier and $250 going to the Legion.

It was noted that Bob and Jocelyne Beck would be moving away and that some new member of the executive would be needed to cover those items that Bob was doing such as events and membership for the Hardy Rocks. Bob was also the membership chairman for the Legion as a whole. Anyone interested in joining the Hardy Rock executive is asked to contact Barry Rowland. Anyone interested in the being the membership chairman for the legion should contact Eric Conner at 450-510-3184. The latter position is the most urgent as this is on-going and for training purposes Bob is only around until June.

Bob Fournier reminded everyone about Hardy Rock golf this summer.

Finally thanks to our Hardy Rock executive: Neil Tomiuk, Bob Beck, Bob Fournier, Gilles Leblanc, Moe Lafoley, Gerry Foliot, Bob Burns and Mike Archambault for all you do.

Barry Rowland (see you all next year)

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2018 Memorial Results

posted Feb 13, 2018, 5:19 PM by Barry Rowland

The finals have been played and Team Langdon came all the way from third place to take the 2018 Memorial Draw. Congratulations to Sylvie Barriault, Edmond Lebeouf, Gilles Leblanc, and Bill Langdon.

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Christmas Dinner / Ham & Turkey

posted Dec 22, 2017, 12:39 PM by Barry Rowland   [ updated Dec 22, 2017, 12:44 PM ]

There were some 84 participants at this years Christmas dinner. Past members Chris Morgan, Mellie Stephenson, Madeline Carmichael, Karl Boulé, Jim Tisdal , Mike Sheppard and Rollie Normandeau were introduced by Gerry Foliot. Neil Tomiuk acknowledged new Hardy Rock members Alex MacDonald, Bill Sclater, Ann Folkins, Cam Jobin and Sharlene Dearling. 

Special thanks were given to Jim Markham, Bob Hart, Bill Sansom, Mike Devine, Heather Doyle, Sandy Eades, Joan Hughes and iceman Allan Jones for all the work they do to make our club run smoothly and a fun place to be.

The dinner was a real challenge this year with the refrigerator acting as a freezer over night and freezing everything solid. Then the gas was turned off due to construction next door and required several people to arrange to light the pilot and get the stove finally going around 10 am; so just 3 hours before we sit down. Barb Robinson and her crew of assistants including Marge Crombie, Joan Bazar, and helpers Jeanette and Fred Albert, Yves Gauthier, and Glenn Ruiter worked through the stressful problems and put on a great dinner that was appreciated by everyone present.

We were treated to some great curling in the Ham & Turkey Finals with the eventual winners being Team Cameron. Congratulations!!

On Behalf of the Hardy Rock Committee I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

See you all in January.

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Winnie Normandeau winners

posted Nov 19, 2017, 9:54 AM by Barry Rowland   [ updated Nov 19, 2017, 10:01 AM ]

The winners of the Winnie Normandeau Trophy were Team Coutts

(This is the third year in a row that John Coutts has skipped the winning team for the Normandeau Trophy. 



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Opening event winners

posted Oct 29, 2017, 10:23 AM by Barry Rowland   [ updated Nov 19, 2017, 9:59 AM ]

 The Opening Event for the Hardy Rock Opening Event Trophy was a hot shot competition.

36 people participated in the Hardy Rock Opening Event (Hot Shots Competition)

We all cleaned off the rust and for the most part saw that we sorely needed the practice.

One team though, showed that they were less rusty than the rest of us with a great surge

of points on Thursday leaping from third to first. Congratulations to the winners

Team Cameron.

  (Note the Big Rock!!)

The hot dog lunch was welcomed by all as a chance to catch up after the summer.

Now on to the Normandeau Draw

Here are reports and articles about events that occurred at our club.