
This is a simplified table that does not include sub-periods, epochs, and anything within. The Theochronic Eon and the Paleoproteimeran and Mesoproteimeran eras, along with their subdivisions, are GDS2.0 original additions to the scale. The Proteimeran itself is derived from Goldblatt et. al's Prenephelean, and adjusted for Gradstein and Ogg's GTS2012 proposal including the Neochaotian Era in the Hadean as the Chaotian era, which pushed the Nephelean and Erebrean periods of the Eochaotian into the eon (the term Prenephelean would be redundant if it includes the Nephelean, and if the Nephelean isn't even its last period). The Hadean was constructed with a mixture of Goldbatt's proposals and GTS2012's, while the Archean and Proterozoic were using the GTS2012's proposals (which were not formally used, key word is proposed). The remainder of the Time Scale uses the accepted GTS2012 model, with the exception of this site accepting the Anthropocene epoch (not shown here).

Theochronic Eon - ∞-13798 MYA

Proteimeran Eon - 13798-4568 MYA

-Paleoproteimeran Era - 13798-13550 MYA

--Precelestial Period - 13798-13600 MYA

--Paleocelestial Period - 13600-13550 MYA

-Mesoproteimeran Era - 13550-4680 MYA

--Eogalactic Period - 13550-13200 MYA

--Neogalactic Period - 13200-4680 MYA

-Neoproteimeran Era - 4680-4568 MYA

--Nephelean Period - 4680-4630 MYA

--Erebrean Period - 4630-4568 MYA

Hadean Eon - 4568-4030 MYA

-Chaotian Era - 4568-4404 MYA

--Hyperitian Period - 4568-4560 MYA

--Titanomachean Period - 4560-4450 MYA

--Hephaestean Period - 4450-4404 MYA

-Zirconian Era - 4404-4030 MYA

--Jacobian Period - 4404-4280 MYA

--Canadian Period - 4280-4200 MYA

--Procrustean Period - 4200-4030 MYA

Archean Eon - 4030-2420 MYA

-Paleoarchean Era - 4030-3490 MYA

--Acastan Period - 4030-3810 MYA

--Isuan Period - 3810-3490 MYA

-Mesoarchean Era - 3490-2780 MYA

--Vaalbaran Period - 3490-3020 MYA

--Pongolan Period - 3020-2780 MYA

-Neoarchean Era - 2780-2420 MYA

--Methanian Period - 2780-2630 MYA

--Siderian Period - 2630-2420

Proterozoic Eon - 2420-541 MYA

-Paleoproterozoic Era - 2420-1780 MYA

--Oxygenian Period - 2420-2250 MYA

--Jatulian Period - 2250-2060 MYA

--Columbian Period - 2060-1780 MYA

-Mesoproterozoic Era - 1780-850 MYA

--Rodinian Period - 1780-850 MYA

-Neoproterozoic Era - 850-541 MYA

--Cryogenian Period - 850-635 MYA

--Ediacaran Period - 635-541 MYA

Phanerozoic Eon - 541-0 MYA

-Paleozoic Era - 541-252.17 MYA

--Cambrian Period - 541-485.4 MYA

--Ordovician Period - 485.4-443.8 MYA

--Silurian Period - 443.8-419.2 MYA

--Devonian Period - 419.2-358.9 MYA

--Carboniferous Period - 358.9-298.9 MYA

--Permian Period - 298.9-252.17 MYA

-Mesozoic Era - 251.902-66 MYA

--Triassic Period - 251.902-201.36 MYA

--Jurassic Period - 201.36-145 MYA

--Cretaceous Period - 145-66 MYA

-Cenozoic Era - 66-0 MYA

--Paleogene Period - 66-23.03 MYA

--Neogene Period - 23.03-2.588 MYA

--Quaternary Period - 2.588-0 MYA

GTS Present To Past