Mesoproteimeran Era

Part of the Proteimeran Eon

Paleoproteimeran Era - Mesoproteimeran Era - Neoproteimeran Era

The Mesoproteimeran Era is the second era of the Proteimeran Eon. The Mesoproteimeran begins with the formation of the first galaxies and ends with the closing of the solar nebula with respect to the Giant Molecular Cloud. This era covers a vast portion of the universe's history (64.5% of it!), including the development of most galaxies, including the Milky Way - marking the formation of the solar system.

The Mesoproteimeran is subdivided into two periods: the Eogalactic and the Neogalactic.

Mesoproteimeran Timescale:

Mesoproteimeran Era - 13550-4680 MYA

-Eogalactic Period - 13550-13200 MYA

-Neogalactic Period - 13200-4680 MYA