Calorian Period

Part of the Mercurial Geologic Timescale

Tolstojan Period - Calorian Period - Mansurian Period

The Calorian Period is the third period of the Mercurial Geologic Timescale. The Late Heavy Bombardment that effected all inner solar system bodies came to a conclusion during the Calorian. The namesake of the period - the Caloris Basin - was among the more notable formations created during the period. Smooth plains continued to develop, as well as craters and small basins. The planet contracted to the extent of ending most future geologic activity during the Calorian, as the contractions had been so great that lava could no longer reach the surface, perhaps the most significant geologic event in the planet's history.

The Calorian is divided into two epochs: the Early Calorian and the Late Calorian.

Calorian Timescale:

Calorian Period - 3850-3000 MYA

-Early Calorian Epoch - 3850-3800 MYA

-Late Calorian Epoch - 3800-3000 MYA