Precelestial Period

Part of the Paleoproteimeran Era

Theochronic Eon - Precelestial Period - Paleocelestial Period

The Precelestial Period is the first period of the Paleoproteimeran Era and of the Proteimeran Eon. The Precelestial begins with the formation of our current universe (the Big Bang phase of the Big Bounce) and ends with the formation of the earliest celestial bodies (excluding quarks, which formed during this period) in the universe. While celestial bodies had yet to form during the Precelestial (besides quarks, which first came into being less than a picosecond after the Big Bang), it was undoubtedly among the most eventful - especially in the extremely early portions of it - period on the timescale. Beyond the formation of the universe, other major events included the separation of gravitational force from the electronuclear force, followed by the separation of strong force from the electronuclear force, and the weak force separating the electromagnetic force into four modern forces. The influx of events in the period would slow down greatly after the one second in which every event in the previous sentence occurred.

The Precelestial is not further subdivided into epochs.

Precelestial Timescale:

Precelestial Period - 13798-13600 MYA