Siderian Period

Part of the Neoarchean Era

Methanian Period - Siderian Period - Oxygenian Period

The Siderian Period is the second, and final, period of the Neoarchean Era, and the sixth, and final, period of the Archean Eon. The Siderian begins with the first appearance of the Hamersley Banded Iron-Formation and ends at the time from which the first glacial deposits are known. The Siderian featured deposition of banded iron-formations and "waning" growth of continents. The oldest giant carbonate platforms is known from around 2600 MYA. The continent of Arctica formed at around 2500 MYA. The new continent would last for approximately 1500 MYA before becoming part of the supercontinent of Rodinia.

The Siderian is not further subdivided into epochs.

Siderian Timescale:

Siderian Period - 2630-2420 MYA