Amazonian Period

Part of the Martian Geologic Timescale

Hesperian Period - Amazonian Period - No Successor

The Amazonian Period is the fourth period of the Martian Geologic Timescale. Very little activity characterizes this period, with very low impact rates, although lava flows, glaciations, periglaciations, minor liquid water releases. Recent discoveries from the meteorite known as "Northwest Africa (NWA) 7034" indicate that life may have existed on Mars as recently as 2100 MYA. The meteorite also contained approximately ten times as much water as any other from the planet previously discovered. The Amazonian continues through the present day.

The Amazonian is subdivided into three epochs: the Early Amazonian, the Middle Amazonian, and the Late Amazonian.

Amazonian Timescale:

Amazonian Period- 3000-0 MYA

-Early Amazonian Epoch - 3000-1400 MYA

-Middle Amazonian Epoch - 1400-300 MYA

-Late Amazonian Epoch - 300-0 MYA