Procrustean Period

Part of the Zirconian Era

Canadian Period - Procrustean Period - Acastan Period

The Procrustean Period is the third, and final, period of the Zirconian Era, and the sixth, and final, of the Hadean Eon. The Procrustean begins with its chronometrically defined base and ends at the time from which the earliest (undisputed) rocks, the Acasta Gneiss, are known. The Late Heavy Bombardment began at around 4100, and raged throughout the remainder of the period and well into the Archean Eon. Life is believed to have existed during the Procrustean, at least initially. The bombardment was thought to have destroyed any life previously existing, but the quick reappearance of evidence for life suggests that it never went extinct, but rather existed uninterrupted since the Jacobian Period. The bombardment would vaporize the oceans in addition to the potential devastation of life.

The Procrustean is not further subdivided into epochs.

Procrustean Timescale:

Procrustean Period - 4200-4030 MYA