Paleoproteimeran Era

Part of the Proteimeran Eon

Theochronic Eon - Eoproteimeran Era - Mesoproteimeran Era

The Paleoproteimeran Era is the first era of the Proteimeran Eon. The Paleoproteimeran begins with the Big Bang phase of the Big Bounce and ends with the formation of the oldest galaxies. This era consists of the earliest history of the current universe, and saw the formation of the first celestial bodies.

The Paleoproteimeran is subdivided into two periods: the Precelestial and the Paleocelestial.

Paleoproteimeran Timescale:

Paleoproteimeran Era - 13798-13550 MYA

-Precelestial Period - 13798-13600 MYA

-Paleocelestial Period - 13600-13550 MYA