Columbian Period

Part of the Paleoproterozoic Era

Jatulian Period - Columbian Period - Rodinian Period

The Columbian Period is the third, and final, period of the Paleoproterozoic Era and the third of the Proterozoic Eon. The Columbian begins with the conclusion of the Lomagundi-Jatuli isotopic excursion and ends at the time from which the earliest sulphidic marine deposits are known. Orogenies defined the Orosirian, occurring on most, if not all, continents. The Columbian featured major impact events, the two most notable of which created the Vredefort impact structure and the Sudbury Basin at 2023 MYA and 1850 MYA, respectively. The supercontinent of Columbia formed, though the process that lasted from 2100 MYA until 1800 MYA began during the Jatulian Period. The supercontinent would survive into the Rodinian Period.

The Columbian is not further subdivided into epochs.

Columbian Timescale:

Columbian Period - 2060-1780 MYA