Phanerozoic Eon

Part of the Terrestrial Geologic Timescale

Proterozoic Eon - Phanerozoic Eon - The Future

The Phanerozoic Eon begins with the End-Ediacaran extinction event and extends through the modern day. While life had originated in the Archean - or even the Hadean - eon (note that this does not account for potential life in the Preuniversal Eon), life's most diverse and advanced state occurs in the Phanerozoic. A vast majority of animal groups evolved during this eon, though the first animals evolved during the Cryogenian (or possibly earlier). Stretching just 541 million years to date, the Phanerozoic is the second shortest of eon on the timescale, lasting just 3 million years longer than the Hadean.

The Phanerozoic is subdivided into three eras: the Paleozoic, the Mesozoic, and the Cenozoic.

Note that the timescale that follows is incomplete, only going down to the period level. Timescales that include subperiods and epochs can be found on the era pages, while more concise timescales including ages can be found on the period pages.

Phanerozoic Timescale:

Phanerozoic Eon - 541-0 MYA

-Paleozoic Era - 541-251.902 MYA

--Cambrian Period - 541-485.4 MYA

--Ordovician Period - 485.4-443.8 MYA

--Silurian Period - 443.8-419.2 MYA

--Devonian Period - 419.2-358.9 MYA

--Carboniferous Period - 358.9-298.9 MYA

--Permian Period - 298.9-251.902 MYA

-Mesozoic Era - 251.902-66 MYA

--Triassic Period - 251.902-201.36 MYA

--Jurassic Period - 201.36-145 MYA

--Cretaceous Period - 145-66 MYA

-Cenozoic Era - 66-0 MYA

--Paleogene Period - 66-23.03 MYA

--Neogene Period - 23.03-2.588 MYA

--Quaternary Period - 2.588-0 MYA