Chaotian Era

Part of the Hadean Eon

Neoproteimeran Era - Chaotian Era - Zirconian Era

The Chaotian Era is the first era of the Hadean eon. The Chaotian begins with the first light emitted from the sun and the formation of Tellus - otherwise known as the proto-Earth - and ends at the time from which the planet's oldest known crustal materials (detrital zircons) are known. In the earlier portion of this period, proto-planets and small bodies continued to collide, building up the size of the planets. Later in the era, Tellus suffered a major collision with another proto-planet known as Theia, and effectively created the Earth as it is known today and formed the moon.

The Chaotian is subdivided into three periods: the Hyperitian, the Titanomachean, and the Hephaestean.

Chaotian Timescale:

Chaotian Era - 4568-4404 MYA

-Hyperitian Period - 4568-4560 MYA

-Titanomachean Period - 4560-4450 MYA

-Hephaestean Period - 4450-4404 MYA