Theochronic Eon

Part of the Terrestrial Geologic Timescale

No Predecessor - Theochronic Eon - Proteimeran Eon

No Predecessor - Theochronic Eon - Eoproteimeran Era

No Predecessor - Theochronic Eon - Precelestial Period

The Theochronic Eon is the first eon conceivable in history. The Theochronic extends from an undefined point infinite years ago to the big bounce and the beginning of the Proteimeran Eon. While typically the Big Bang is accepted by scientists as the point for the formation - or expansion - of the universe, the Big Bounce takes it one step further in asserting that a Big Crunch - an event many scientists anticipate in the future - occurred and was immediately followed by the Big Bang as a previous universe collapsed and the current one was formed. Besides the previous universe, evidence has been detected that suggest that multiple universes may exist in the cosmos today, and the one known to science may have collided with others as many as four times, while other evidence suggests that something outside the universe - possibly another universe - is tugging at objects in the known universe. While there is evidence for the Big Bounce, it is unknown if this was a first-time occurrence or if there has been a long-lasting cycle of bounces.

Very little is currently known about the conditions in this eon, and humanity may never have concise information from this time, so while it is quite possible that life may have existed in the previous universe to some extent and it is highly probable that this time would be divided into several eons if the necessary information existed, it cannot be divided further at this point in time.

Theochronic Timescale:

Theochronic Eon - ∞-13798 MYA