COLORED SUGAR (using Whey Low Granular)

1/4 cup Whey Low Granular

2 drops liquid food coloring (more drops for intense color)

1/4 teaspoon cornstarch – (if you will be storing the mixture or adding more than 2 drops color)


In a small bowl place the WL (and cornstarch, if needed) and add the drops of coloring. With the back of a spoon smoosh it around and stir until all lumps of color are gone. Store in a sealable bag, or airtight jar/bowl.

This is a chart for custom colors using the basic red/green/yellow/blue that we can find anywhere. Specialty stores will have more colors to choose from and thus give you an even greater range. However, with the basic four you can make just about any color imaginable.


Turquoise: 4 Drops of Blue, 1 Drop of Green

Brown: 5 Drops of Red, 6 Drops of Yellow, 3 Drops of Green

Purple: 1 Drop of Red, 1 Drop of Blue

Lime Green: 3 Drops of Yellow, 1 Drop of Green

Pistachio Green: 1 Drop of Yellow, 4 Drops of Green

Orange: 2 Drops of Red, 3 Drops of Yellow,

Peach: 1 Drop of Red, 2 Drops of Yellow

Salmon: 3 Drops of Red, 2 Drops of Yellow

Black: Equal amounts of all colors.