Language facts

What we know about language consciously and subconsciously.

  1. how to form question tags

  2. despite + ing

  3. stop doing vs. stop to do

  4. third cond => regret

  5. (central) modal verbs don’t take to

  6. hardly and fast are irregular adverbs

  7. what are phrasal verbs and delexical verbs

  8. what is the most frequent sound in English? schwa

  9. nouns can be countable and/or uncountable

  10. some with pos and any with neg

  11. comparative and superlative with three syllable adjectives

  12. never use a preposition to end a sentence with (last)

The fact that you can even think about these questions is evidence that we have been convinced of the need for metalanguage.

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Context often determines what is right or wrong i.e. appropriate