Comparing tools, girlfriend

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See its page in this site

Other word cloud tools (in this sitea)

Vocab Profiler

from Compleat Lexical Tutor

Visual Thesaurus

You can use the Visual Thesaurus for free for a maximum of 8 hits. There are many teaching resources also available at this site.

For Better English

This tool, also known as The Good Example Dictionary, gives collocation and colligation about any search word.

It has been replaced by SKELL.


Click here for Wordnet's list of words related to girlfriend in the "sister term" relationship.

Google Sets

After entering girlfriend wife partner, Google Sets produced this list.

NEWS about Google Sets

Google dropped/deleted this tool and the sets can now be generated in Google spreadsheet. For info, see here.


This tool is quite clever. It reads various online dictionaries and provides the equivalents that they offer. It is quite Czech-centric but extends to six languages. Clicking on the words takes you to various links, depending on the language. For example, in Czech, you get Czech Wordnet and a table of the word's morphology.

Word Association Thesaurus

This tool shows people's associations with words.


Stringnet shows the use of words and phrases in the British National Corpus. We see the frequent N-grams that the search item occurs in.