Winning an ELTon

Post date: May 13, 2010 4:58:27 PM

Well, it was indeed a great honour to win an ELTon. Martina and I were flown to London, to see the Queen, well not exactly, but to be fated by the British Council in the nicest possible way. However, the reception in our home town has been surprisingly flat. So few people even know the book exists, let alone the fact that Brno won an international book prize. When you look at the things that constitute the column inches of Brno papers, you'd really have to wonder why they were so indifferent to this win. As you can see, I am somewhat affronted by the lack of interest. And so in Martina, and she's Czech. I even thought my employer, Masaryk University, might be interested. Apparently not. Of course, a group of friends did take us out to dinner and Robin, who'd actually put Martina in touch with me at the outset, brought along a bottle of bubbly. And that was a great night.

There's a bit more info and links at the About page in this website.