Vocabulary learning approaches: mindmaps

The vocabulary of school

This mindmap was generated by Text2mindmap. If students have created a mindmap on paper, they can transfer it to this software and compare the process as well as the product. It’ll never have pictures, but it is a good start and the process of creating it from an Outline teaches the concept of parent-child relationships inherent in mindmaps.

The data in this mindmap comes from a Wordsketch, and was copied into Excel to get rid of the stats - see the list. This process is even easier now with SKELL, as you can see in its wordsketch of school.

Click this diagram to see it enlarged.

British Education System

This word cloud was made with Word it out, and given that we don't study vocabulary out of context, the text for the word cloud comes from the British Council's description of the British Education system. Analogous texts on the Australian education system here and the American here.

The process of organising the vocabulary list into a meaningful structure is a "Bloom compatible" activity.

Vocabulary learning approaches: mindmaps – List page from Classic Sites