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Nik Peachey offers 55 Vocabulary tools online here.

This spidergram from here.

See the Visual Thesaurus for an online tool that creates these spidergrams on the fly. You can use this tool in class, when a word comes up that is worth further investigation, and especially to supplement what the students have offered in their own diagrams. Note that free use of this allows 8 searches only.

Words in Words is an online tool that finds all the words that can be spelled using the letters of a particular word. One of my favourites is hypothetical. Carvery is remarkably fruitful too. On the other hand, level is not.

On Jason Renshaw's English Raven blog, his screencast demonstrates his vocabulary storage system, Word Wise, that exercises a great deal of what we know about vocabulary acquisition.

From Stanford University comes Wordsift. The original processing of the text is quite slow but once it's done, it has some very useful features for vocabulary teaching. I highly recommend having a look at the instructional video that comes with it.

See Words in the Mind by Jean Aitchison

List of lists of English words, from Examples-help

This Wordle was generated from Scott Thornbury's blog thread "V is vocabulary".

Not only is the wordle instructive, so is the thread!