English page

Configuration "Elementary Trade" on 1C 8 to account for sales of goods and equipment, the sale of services.

The main advantage of the configuration

It's light, without unnecessary tools and interface elements.

Work with it easily.

The operator can prepare quickly.

For configuration is running need to establish platform 1C 8. version or later 8.3.. The recommended version - 8.3.13.

Author of this configuration does not distribute 1C platform and products of this company.

Configuration is distributed as .CF files

The .CF files that contain external hardware drivers are distributed under the 3-clause BSD License

.CF files that do not contain third-party code are distributed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0 (EPL)

Configuration is made in the "controlled interface" and allows working in the "thin client". This means that users will be able to change the application interface for themselves and, if desired, can work with their data via the Internet. Configuration does not contain code of typical configurations 1C. Approach to accounting operations are much easier, allowing you to achieve a relatively high speed on ordinary "home" computers and laptops.

The configuration is suitable for automating a large number of businesses in the small, small and very small enterprises:

  • stalls, shops, warehouses, trade via the Internet;
  • small shops;
  • enterprise services, repair shops, accounting work teams (construction, installation, etc.);
  • complectation, assembly enterprises;
  • enterprise services in time (parking, luggage storage, rental services, etc.) ..

..or the network of them.

Configuration has no elements of tax accounting regulatory reporting purposes, and therefore equally suited businessmen in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries, Europe, the Middle and Far East. Can work in conjunction with typical local version of 1C.

The basic principle in its development became a "elemental" approach to accounting blocks of the enterprise. "Elements" can be turned on and off depending on the needs of the enterprise or of the sales outlet.

Configuration is free.

Configuration supports 32 languages in the interface and help information and to represent the data. That is, the database can run simultaneously by users from different regions, using their local names for products, customers, and all the rest.

The configuration is realized without adjustment is immediately ready for registration "primitive" operations accounting of goods and services: their receipt, evaluation, implementation. And the owner of the database can be set up and complicate the accounting in those places where it is needed.

Businesses to automate

This configuration is suitable for the automation of many different types of businesses.

For your orientation, suggesting a generalized list of objectives, which are marked in green types of business, which is required for the automation of the paid version of configuration:


  • Trade ordinary "stick" goods
  • Commodity trade from a warehouse (several locations)
  • Trade in goods with the fractional amount (grams, milliliters, etc.)
  • Serial trade in goods (goods with serial number)
  • Trade in goods with the use of different units of measure
  • Trade with the registration of transactions in goods via barcode scanner
  • Trade "to order"
  • Trade in goods by transferring commission agents
  • Trade in goods, which are accompanied by sanitary or medical reports, certificates

provision of services

  • Common implementation of simple services
  • Construction work
  • Repair work, services
  • Providing services to customers in a time rental
  • Provision of services for the time, given the positions occupied by the client (rooms, cells), rolling with the identification of items in hire
  • Services on request


  • Accounting products in stock
  • Accounting of funds, accounting of funds in different currencies
  • The account of customers, suppliers, settlements with partners (clients or suppliers)
  • Accounting for sale of goods and services to a number of independent outlets
  • Consideration of sales due to inventories
  • Consideration of merchandise with a complex description. Such as those in which, depending on the belonging to the various nomenclature groups a set of details which need an image of goods, etc.
  • Consideration of orders to suppliers
  • Complicated bilateral accounting settlements with counterparties, including their own from various legal entities
  • Planning of sales and plan-fact accounting the sale of goods and services
  • Complete product specifications with the used equipment at work, extra costs
  • Accounting employees and their salaries
  • Consideration of own equipment
  • Accounting by different operators (with different rights and the level of access to data)

Localization on the example of the English language

Link to the author can anyone

The author reserves the right to leave the question unanswered.

Before you publish an error message, check that you are using the latest version of the configuration and stable release 1C.

To discuss issues related to this configuration, there is provided:

FORUM ELEMENTARY Trade configuration (requires login Google)

Other questions can be asked the author

by email: sza@ukr.net

ICQ: 46617127

Skype: serzhyale