Activity Report 1997

Activity Report 1997(synthesis)

Transylvania Business Center (CAT) is a regional, non-profit, apolitical and decentralized association, organized for the promotion of the member companies and for achieving the local economical programs. CAT continued the constant fulfill of its objectives and functions contained in its Statute and Regulations.

The associated company’s number has grown from 470 in 1996 to 820 in 1997. The eight CAT branches in the region were transformed in independent centers and the four departments’ activities were decentralized. The Transylvanian Branches (Guilds) Program was introduced in the local business community.

1997 was considered the Direct Communications Year because of introducing the Internet/E-mail systems and the mobile telephony in our member companies.

An important success was the development of the Electronic CAT-alog in which are subscribed all the CAT members, together with an important number of companies from Transylvania. Some of them were connected to the Internet.

The Relations Department executed economical missions in Denmark; Holland; USA; Canada; Peru; Chile; Australia; Venezuela; Malaysia; Hong-Kong; South Africa. At the missions organized by CATravel participated 123 of the companies, opening new perspectives in the direct collaboration with the partners from those countries.

The CATraining & Consulting Department designed 16 local development programs, in the interest of the members, which were sent to different potential partners and donors in the EU, USA and Canada. The Department organized Training courses in the county and in Denmark, England, Canada and USA. It were granted to the small and medium sized enterprises over 1000 hours of free of charge consulting services with Romanian and Dutch experts based on the NMCP agreement. Even if we designed with the contribution of our member companies and submitted important projects for the local development, unfortunately we couldn’t participated to PHARE programs, coordinated by organizations or institutions from Bucharest.

The Development Department – SPECAT realized multiple activities of collaboration with the Universities, Academies and High-Schools from Cluj. The Department introduced the students in the research activity and involved them in the self-supported practical local development programs.

Cultural events were realized in the benefit of the Romanian Opera, the National Theater, the Military Center, Transylvania Philharmonic and of the Transylvanian Art Museum. The local authorities were supported for realizing the “International Airport- Cluj”. We collaborated with the Transylvania Web Factory consortium for the “Virtual Cluj-Napoca” project, destined to the international image of the “Heart of Transylvania”.

The collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Foreign Trade Department, the Romanian embassies abroad and the embassies of different countries in Bucharest has been intensified.

Monthly reunions, seminaries, exhibitions and businessmen cocktails were organized by the CATclub. At those manifestations participated our members and Romanian and foreign guests.

The Administration Department made the Balance Sheet for 1997 which was approved by the Board of Directors.

The major indicators are:

A. Incomes from :

- economical activities…………………………..16,332,000. lei

- dues………………………………………………..605,429,000. lei

- CIPE grants………………………………………124,816,000.lei

- NMCP grants…………………………………….29,468,000. lei

- donations…………………………………………133,848,000. lei

TOTAL 909,713,000. lei

B. Outcomes with:

- economical activities………………………………37,182,000.lei

- own activities………………………………………857,965,000.lei

TOTAL 895,147,000.lei

C. The amount of 276,452,000 lei is unrealized because of the late payments of some of our member’s dues; it will be recovered as possible in the first half 1998.

D. The fixed assets are evaluated to 192,334,000 lei and it have grown with 14% from the last year.

CAT activity had grown with 64,8% comparing with 1996 and because of the passionate and competent work of its 13 employees.

We would like to bring thanks to all of our members, to the donors from U.S.A, Canada, Holland, Denmark and to our staff for the support and for their efforts to maintain our association in the top of the business organizations from the region.

The Activity Report, the Balance Sheet for 1997 and the Auditing Report can be seen by the members at the Administration Department and it is presented for approval to the General Assembly, from 14 May 1998.

Dr. Radu- Adrian Mlesnita


Mircea Fodoca Lia Chira

General Manager Tresorery