Activity Programme 2000

Activity Programme 2000 (synthesis)

Transylvania Business Center (CAT) was founded in 1992, a year of local acknowledgement, through the concern and the effort of 23 founding companies. These eight years of success in the promotion of the local community�s interests and business were defined as follows: 1993- the year of regional acknowledgement, 1994- the year of national recognition, 1996- the year of international acknowledgement, 1997- the year of on-line communication, 1998- the year of Transylvanian Branches, 1999- the year of direct connections.


Or this is meaning the year of Creation-and-Trade (C-A-T ).

The first months of this year debuted under the impact of the FIRST TRANSYLVANIAN ELECTRONIC MARKET and fast development of http://E-BURSA.RO and http://E-CAT.RO, at the same time with the overtaking of the domains and the building up of and http://Kolozsvar.romulticultural cybercity.

In 2000 we will pay more attention to the IMAGE OF CLUJ – “The Heart of Transylvania” developing the first multicultural Cyber City in Europe. We will also insist on making presentation sites for the CAT companies with virtual E-SHOP and on the introduction e/i-banking and e-commerce. A powerful on-line database will be created and will contain the necessary information on business and the company’s addresses. Our training programs will ensure the preparation of the associated companies able to compete on the global V-MARKET.

With the support of our Internet Providers-companies and the European Commission, we will organize seminars to get acquainted with: the new technologies and v-tools, created by the new economy and international partnership. Through our experts from NMCP- Netherlands, SES- Germany and CE we will prepare our member companies interested in the field of the new techniques of global trade, granting consulting for: business plans, marketing and management knowledges in the same time. We will spend over 250 millions ROL for this activity.

More attention will be given to Business Links activities, in order to develop more and more links between our companies and the ones abroad. In the first place, almost 1 billion ROL will be spend for the development of the ‘Bureau de Rapprochement des Enterprises’- BRE982, both by CAT and the European Commission. Over a half of billion ROL will be used for economic missions and participation to international fairs and exhibitions, study trips, training of the staff in developed countries. We will continue to support decentralization and the “one-to-one” approach.

We will try to improve the services for CAT members permanently, each employee of the staff being responsible for serving each company. In the same time, we will develop the support and the assistance given to the young collaborators at the LBC program for pupils and CAST for students. We will develop a network of PC-s connected to the Internet with printer, copywriter and scanner. LBC centers will equiped with cell-phones and new furniture. Our teenagers will be able to develop their business skills not only in their “pilot office” but also in our offices and in other CAT member companies, which will receive them for practical training.

The relations with foreign organizations and colleges will be multiplied, to facilitate experience exchanges between our children and teenagers from different countries. The new economy will be in the center of the training programs, to be known as quickly as possible. The competitivity of our business communities in this first decade of the third millennium will depend on the training of our children.

In the year 2000 we will maintain the ascending trend of our relations with the international organizations, The International Bank, ONUDI, The European Commission, BERD, CIPE-SUA, and others, in order to participate in the multilateral activities concerning the global economy.

CAT will continue to sustain the local authorities to realize the strategic and priority project: “The International Airport- Free zone- Cluj-Napoca”, which will ensure the direct connection of Cluj and Transylvania with business partners from all over the world.

The Activity Program and The Estimated Budget for the year 2000 were mainly designed in connection with the: subscriptions and compensations with the CAT member companies, with the external financial support, donations, sponsors but also by creating our own sustainable funds by each department and branch, according to the principle of decentralized-self-management.

The achievement of The Activity Program 2000 presupposes the mobilization, under difficult economic and social circumstances, of some funds estimated to 1.7 billion ROL. The funds of the other CAT-s in Transylvania towns won�t be taken into account to our budget, as a result of their becoming independent. Transylvania Business Centers from Alba-Iulia, Baia-Mare, Bistrita, Brasov, Oradea, Deva, Zalau make and approve their own Programs and Budgets, ensuring the decentralized development of the horizontal economic c-operation, in the benefit of over 1200 companies associated to the Transylvania Business Center Union.

The Activity Program and Estimated Budget for the year 2000 were debated in the Direction Comity and are of CAT members’ disposal, at Blvd. Nicolae Titulescu, nr. 4, phone/fax 064-414160, e-mail:

Dr. Radu -AdrianMlesnita


Cluj-Napoca,5th May, 2000