Activity Programme 2005

Activity Programme 2005 (synthesis)


Transilvania Business Center CAT was constituted in the year 1992, being considered the local acknowledgement year, through the care and effort of the 23 founders. Those 10 years of success in the promotion of the interests and local community business was defined as follows: 1993- the year of the regional devotion, 1994-the year of the national devotion, 1996- the year of the international devotion , 1997- the year of the direct communications, 1998- the year of the Transilvanian Trade, 1999- the year of the direct connections, 2000- the year of CAT&CAT, 2001- the year of m-Business, 2002- the year of Flexibil Work, the jubilee year and also the year of the integration CAT in the structures of the Expanded European Union, 2003- the year of Sustainability -Durability, 2004- the year of EDUTainment-CULTainment.

The year 2005 was declared the year of innovation and competitively

The first months of the year made theirs debut under the impact (created) made by the campaign for the promote of the gratuitous consulting of SES-Germany and the gratuitous services of IRC-Innovation Relay Center. Also, there has obtained progresses in the implementation of virtual mechanisms for the warehouses of knowledge (Knowledge Warehouse) and the territorial marketing proposed by the Lyrical project of European Committee. Through these new e/m-tools, there are continuing the width, the visibility, the transparence and the accessibility on The First Electronic Market Transilvania, which incorporates two virtual mechanisms already devoted: the Electronic Exchange and the Virtual Business Centre

In the year 2005 CAT will continue to fortify the swicheble bundle between the business-competitively activities and the concerns for the telematization of the education-research-innovation DIGIeducation-SMARTeducation-EDUtainment (education-games-entertainment) or digitization of the art-culture-patrimony DIGIcult-InnovationCULT-CULTainment (culture-multimedia-entertainment). The application area will be spread to eHealth too – the intelligent medicine to distance: telemedicine, teleconsulting, telediagnosis, telemonitoring, telesurveillance, telemergency. More, for the Transilvania Fashion program and its new project Maramures Fashion, we will look for co-operation with the european partners and all over the world for the development of our new draft: New DiGiFashion-eHealth Fashion, applied in Intelligent BioMedical Clothing. Design-4-All, Design-4-Effectiveness-and-Enjoinment/Entertaiment, Interaction Design, Ambient Intelligence, Sensitive MutiModal Interfaces, Virtual Prototype, nanoBio-Touch-and-Sensitive Design, m3D … are the new directions and concerns of the year 2005.

Further on, we will insist for the site’s creation of the presentation of the CAT concerns, the design of the virtual E_SHOP shops/en-gros and the introduction of web-mails, of digital video/web studio, of the passing applications from the e-banking to the Internet banking, as well as from the e-commerce to the m-BIZ (mobile business). This infrastructure combined with the new generation of mobiles equipment constitutes the support of the development of the m-business concept of our concerns and their cross-over from the physical-statistic status to the one of mobile-virtual. The classical “management-by-presence/face-to-face” management style will be improved through the adoption of a “pliant management” organized by the each m-boss (mobile boss), leading “wherever-and-whenever”, pliant and mobile underlings, using the new IT&C.ON-DEMAND BUSINESS will represent a new challenge of the year 2005.

The fast application of the m2m (Mobile-2-Mobile) technologies at our firms will be done by using: mK-4-mB&E (mobile knowledge-for-mobile business and entertainment) and standardized and personalized mBIZ platforms.

We will, further on, dwell upon the mobile lifestyle, the one of the flexibile-teleworking/e-working work and the new bureaucratic technologies for increasing: comfort, flexibility, autonomy, decentralization, debirocracy, delocalization, dematerialization. Through this we will contribute to the diminution of the stress caused by the immobile offices, of the inter-personal conflicts, the remittance and the lack of creativity or staff-innovation. We will create a new physical and virtual environment, we will re-energize the staff and we will improve the productivity and quality of the products and of life .The “work-when-you-want-and-where-you-want” concept stands as a basic in the pliant organization of the company which keeps winning more and more ground in the new digital contemporary economy.

In the advanced countries, the Industrial Society of the XX century left more and more space to the new Informational Society-Knowledge Society For All. The fast achievement of this desideratum is at the top of the European Commission and it especially concerns the e-Europe and the e-Europe+ for the integration in the Enlarged European Union. As a priority CAT will promote technologies which concern the Wireless Information Society-WIS and the Mobile Informational Society in a GLOBAL WORLD. In 2005, we will focus upon the development of intellectual property, of the digital capital, the untouchable goods, the creation of values added in the new sections of the Knowledge Economic and especially mKB-Mobile Knowledge Business. We will continue the development of our mKM-Mobile Knowledge Management concept and its expansion from the “Babes-Bolyai” University to other foreign and transilvanian universities. We will provide the Cultural Management masterates with content, by delivering the Project Cycle Management course-and-seminar. This year we will continue the research of our new concept: 4M-MMmM-MultiMedia Mobile Management, priory in the field of art-culture-education-knowledge.

CAT is KO- Knowledge Organization and will develop “mK- Mobile Knowledge”, “K-2K Knowledge-to-Knowledge”, K-4-K Knowledge-for-Knowledge”, K-4-4 Knowledge-for-All”.

Also, we whish this year:

* To contribute on systems innovation “m-economy/ e-environment” with mechanisms, tools and intelligent concepts of type “comfort-to-comfort” and to develop our own concept of mBIZ- mobile Business.

* To directs IMM to “go digital- go mobile”, B2B (business-to-business), B2C (business-to-client), asked from actual global market which is in expansion. We will support the IMM for: “Growing locally for competing globally” and the replace of the “capitalists” with “Knowledgists” in the context of “Knowledgisation of Capital”.

* To develop the networking for innovation and competitively.

Our organization, which is also, the first virtual business center on the continent, past from actual state of virtual comfort mCAT=uniCAT, in that which we named: TOTALmCAT= mobility- Comfort- Autonomy- Transparence. In this context we will stimulate the implementation: of the outsourcing (the externalization of the company functions) and e-skills; of the new protocol IPv6 and of the UMTS system,; 3G-mCommunication Platforms based on 3D-Semantic Modeling; of the “end-to-end” solutions for voice-video-date based on micro-nano systems, W-LAN and intelligent terminals “user-friendly interfaces” (exp. The keyboard and the virtual mouse; the 3D-without glasses/hologram; mobile phones with MMS- mobile multimedia e-mail with voice-and-video; entirely-detachable-portable-without mobile-thread….). We’ll promote m-office or “bureau-in-nature/the mobile bureau”(on beach, on lake, in garden…), the UML-Universally Modeling Language, 3D-CAD Modeling. In this year, we’ll allot better than 1 billion for the promoter of this activities.

Concomitantly will have an increase attention the Image of Cluj “The Heart of Transilvania” through Internet development of the virtual fortress- the First Multicultural CyberCity and of her “mirrors” and – by new advanced virtual mechanisms, beside the: Virtual Mayor, Virtual Council, electronic-Vote, public debates Forum , on-line Date Base, photo and video images, public information pages and many links to report source about the bimillenary municipality. We’ll ensure through this a transparence and the increase accessibility of the community from Cluj, a direct bundle with any citizen, firm, organism or community from world, which desired to communicate or to develop e/m-business with us. The program will be large of other cities to and interesting transilvanian commune, to put in value the zone and to create the enclose-value, in context competition in which we are employee with the other european region. The sustainability growth of our local communities concern us priory and for that we’ll allot 200 millions from CAT budget in this year.

With the support of our companies that provide with IT&C, especially those of GmBiz and of European Commission we’ll organize seminars for make known that new technologies and virtual tools, as well as compulsory imperatives of new economy and of international partnership conditions. We’ll focus on the Frame Program 6 elements (FP6) dedicated on the creation of ERA- European Research Area in IMM beneficial, researchers-innovators and of the authorizer persons (especially teenagers from netGeneration ). The 21 set of projects propose in year 2000 on European Commission for the FP6 management, under generic CAT n2n (networking-the-networks), will be support for the implementation on different local communities, firms, of the interested european: In this year we’ll allot 200 millions for the projects development of durability sustainability.

From our experts’ agency, SES-Germany and of the European Commission we’ll assist interesting members firms, in the new technologies domain of production and global market techniques. We’ll gives consulting for the projects elaboration, business plans, marketing and management, A large part of this services will be free and on-line through internet. The promotion action will be widen from all of transilvania zone for the awareness of the integration costs of the Romanian in UE and offered solutions: Fast-Easy-Cheap on european standards. We’ll be allocate from year 2005 Budget over 150 millions for support this activities.

Prof.Dr. Radu-AdrianMlesnita


Cluj-Napoca, 15th February 2005