Activity Programme 2004

Activity Programme 2004 (synthesis)

Transilvania Business Center – CAT was fonded in 1992, which was considered the year of the local establishment, with the support and effort of 23 private founding companies. The twelve years of success in promoting the interests of the business local community have been defined as follows: 1993 -the Regional Recognition year, 1994 – the National Consecration year, 1995 – the European Reconnaissance year, 1996 – the International Reconnaissance year, 1997- the Direct Communication year, 1998 – the Transilvanian Guilds year, 1999 – the Direct Connections year, 2000 – the CAT- e – CAT year, 2001 the m-Business year, 2002 – the Flexible Work year as well the jubilee of 10 year CAT Anniversary, 2003 – the Sustainability year and Accession into the Enlarged European Union’s structures and Single Market.

2004 WAS DECLARED the EDUtainment-CULTainment YEAR

for consolidation of sustainable activities in the regional and local plan, based on our principle: TAM – Total Autonomic Mobility and for the integration into the Enlarged European Structures – the Global System.

The first month of the year started under the impact created by the virtual mechanisms for the knowledge warehouses and territorial marketing proposed by the European Commission�s Liric Project. By these new e/m-tool is continued the growth of the FIRST TRANSILVANIA ELECTRONIC MARKET, who has already in function two well known virtual mechanisms: the Transilvanian Electronic Commodities Exchange and the first Virtual Business Center

2004 will mark a versatile link between our business activities and those of learning&research-EDUtainment (education-games-entertainment) and art&culture-CULTainment (culture-multimedia-entertainment). The key words are: HCI-Human Computer Interaction Interfaces, DAM-Digital Assets Management, 3D Surround Sound&Video, KN-Knowledge Navigator, DH-Digital Home, DS-Digital School, VRMLK-Virtual Reality Modeling Languages, Contextualisation-Intelectual/Intelligent/Smart Content, A2K- Acces to Knowledge, TS-Total Security, mU-Mobile User …

We�ll continue to insist on: creating sites for CAT members and our community; designing virtual shops/en-gross; introducing the webmail, digital video/web studio applications; passing from e-Banking to Internet Banking and from e-Commerce to mBiz. This infrastructure combined with a new generation of mobile equipment is the support for the development of the m-business concept to our members. We�ll help them to pass from “static-concrete to mobile-virtual” style of acting. The classical management style “management-by-presence/ face-to-face” will be improved by adopting “flexible management”. This is organized by the m-Boss that would lead the mobile and flexible staff from anywhere-anytime, using the new IT&C and new equipment. The fast penetration of m2m (Mobile-to-Mobile/machine-to-machine) into our companies and community is accelerated by mK- 4-mB&E(mobile Knowledge for mobile Business and Entertainment).

CAT will continue to:

promote the mobile lifestyle, mobile working, teleworking/e-working and the new non-bureaucratic technology for creating more: comfort, flexibility, autonomy, decentralization, debureaucratization, delocalization, dematerialization;

reduce the stress created in a fix bureau, the interpersonal conflicts, the absenteeism or the absence of creativity and innovation of the staff;

create a new comfortable physical-virtual ambient and re-energize the staff;

improve the productivity, products/services and life quality.

The principle: “work – when – you – want – and – where – you � want” will be promoted by CAT to be more-and-more considered by the flexible companies, growing in the new digital economy.

In the advanced countries, the Industrial Society gives more-and-more space to the Informational Society � Knowledge Society For All. This is an important target of the European Commission for creating the most competitive economy on the “old continent”, the eEurope and the integration and enlargement of the eEurope+.

CAT will promote as a priority the WIST – Wireless Information Society Technologies as well the MKS – Mobile Knowledge Society in a GW – Global World. Globalization individualizes and dilutes the restrictions and control. More mobile means better informed and more powerful; the power is transferred with e-mail speed, without space and time restrictions.

In 2004, CAT will focus on developing the digital capital, intangible assets, creating added value in the new sectors of Knowledge Economy, especially concerning the mKB � Mobile Knowledge Business. We will continue developing our concept mKM-Mobile Knowledge Management.

At the same time, we want to contribute to the innovation process concerning “e-economy/e-environment” creating new applications, mechanisms, tools and intelligent concepts such as: C2C (comfort-to-comfort). We will orient the SMEs to “go digital – go mobile”, B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-client), to competitiveness on the actual global market in expansion.

Our organization, which is also the first virtual business center will pass from the actual stage of virtual comfort mCAT = UniCAT in what we call TOTALmCAT = mobility-Comfort-Autonomy-Transparency.

We’ll stimulate the extension of the outsourcing and e-skills; the new protocol Ipv6 and UMTS system; the 3G-mCommunication Platforms and 3D-Semantic Modeling; the UML – Universally Modeling Language System; the “end-to-end” solutions for voice-video-data based on micro-and-nano systems; the W-LAN and intelligent terminals – user friendly interfaces (ex: virtual keyboard and mouse, 3D display without glasses/hologram, smart phones with MMS) everything detachable, portable, wireless, etc. We�ll promote the m-office concept (work anywhere-anytime you want as well in the holiday on the beach or mountains) and the 3D-CAD Modeling. We’ll allocate 1.4 billion ROL for promoting these activities.

In the same time, a special attention will be given to the IMAGE OF CLUJ – ” The Heart of Transilvania” by developing the first multicultural Cyber City and its “mirror” with new advanced mechanisms such as: the Virtual Mayor (the first in the world), the Virtual Council, eVote, Forum of Public Debates, on-line Database, digital video and photo images, public information, special pages and many links to other information sources about our bi-millenary citadel. We’ll assure a better transparency and accessibility to the Cluj Community, a direct “without passport” link for any citizen, company, organization or community in the world, interested in communicating or entering in e/m business relations with us.

The program will be extended to other Transilvanian interested towns and villages, to generate new value and to keep our region in the competition with other European areas. The sustainable growth of our local communities will be another priority and we’ll allocate over 200 millions RoL from CAT budget.

With the support of our IT&C companies, especially those from mBiz, as well of the European Commission, we’ll organize workshops and seminars to promote the new technologies and e-tools, the new economy and its international partnership opportunities and links. We’ll focus on 6th Research Framework Program, dedicated to create the ERA – European Research Area, to support the SMEs grows and young NetG. Last year, CAT submitted 21 EoI – Expressions of Interest to the European Commission’s 6th RFP. Under our concept n2n (networking-the-networks) we’ll promote these projects for co-financing/grants to local communities, companies, interested European Consortiums: We�ll have 200 million RoL for promoting the development trans-european projects.

Through our experts and partners, as well from NMCP-Netherlands and SES-Germany, we’ll assist the SMEs to adopt the new techniques and to design their business plans and marketing-management strategy. A large number of services will be for free and on-line using Internet. We’ll allocate over 150 million RoL from the 2004 Budget, for sustaining the consulting and assistance activities. Every CAT employee will take care of serving each company, no matter if it is a real client or a virtual (“e-client/ e-customer”) one. We’ll use new e/m-marketing techniques and we’ll try to participate in the EC’s Programs such as LIRIC-EU Project, IRC -Innovation Relay Centers’ Network.

In the same time CAT will extend the assistance given to the young associates within LBC-Lyceum Business Center Program destined to the high school pupils and CAsT for students. We will continue developing the PC networks connected to Internet, with printers, copy machines, scanners and we will endow the headquarters of LBCs with mobile phones and furniture. The students will be able to develop their business skills both in classic-and-mobile style not only in their own offices but also in the CAT member firms, which will accept them. We will train the LBC members in m-ICT (mobile Information Communication Technology). The LBC network will be extended to other high schools interested in telework/e-working, from Cluj-Napoca and Transilvania.

The relations with schools and organizations from abroad will be multiplied, to facilitate the experience exchange between our children and the ones from different regions and countries, to bring them knowledge about e-economy and mBIZ. We are aware that the future of our business community depends on our children instruction in m-ICT. We will encourage them to develop their own business or company and we’ll allocate 250 millions RoL for youth training activities.

With the assistance of the CAsT students and LBC pupils it will be developed the CATransilvania Data Base (companies; addresses, offers, contact persons …). This project will be coordinated with EWEN, LIRIC, IRC and other projects. We’ll participate to local and international conferences, seminars, workshops for multisectorial trans-european cooperation, trans-border networks and improvement of life quality and environment, EDUtainment and CULTainment.

CAT will sustain the local authorities to realize the major projects: Technologic Park, EuroInfoCenter, The Virtual Highway, The Tailors Tower and others initiated by CAT companies. We’ll sustain the construction of Oradea-Cluj-Brasov highway, as our top priority direct link with EU countries and development of Cluj-Napoca International Airport. CAT will develop the common actions with APM -Employers and Handicrafts Association for the SMEs, UGIR 1903 Industrialists Organization and Chamber of Commerce.

The collaboration with the research centers and universities will be improved. A special attention will be give to the “Babes-Bolyai” University-Europeans Studies Faculty, Business Faculty and Lingua Center; Art University-Fashion and Design Faculty; Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine University. We’ll sustain lectures and seminars for developing students’ skills and for training mBiz specialists through m-learning methods CAT member companies and also other interested companies will be able to select the right employees from the young specialists (students, graduates, etc). CAT is trying to create new opportunities and jobs for the youth and in the benefit of the member companies.

CAT sustains, art and education institutions, for supporting the young talented pupils. We will sponsor the creation festivals, the traditional Transilvania Fashion Program (this year the 20-th edition).

In 2004 we will maintain the growing trend of our relations with the international organizations, World Bank-GDN, ONUDI, BERD, UNCTAD, OCDE, USAID, Canadians and Japanese foundations, multinational and transnational companies (Ericsson, Nokia, Romtelecom, Connex, Orange, Zapp ), European Commission, interested in IT&C collaboration. We will participate to the multilateral measures and actions regarding the global economy and we will invite to Cluj-Napoca experts for consulting in the advanced domains and to create sustainable systems. We will look towards the 3GPP-3rd Generation Partnership Projects, regarding the local globalization and decentralized development.

The 2004 Activity Program and Budget were designed in accordance with the projection of our members’ subscriptions and compensations, the non-reimbursable foreign assistance, the donors’ and sponsors’ contribution. CAT will generate funds from its own economic activity by each department and guild, according to the principles of decentralized, self-supported and sustainable growth. The incomes will be placed into projects of community interest.

The realization of the CAT 2004 Activity Program requires a budget of over 1,8 billion RoL.

The CATs from: Alba-Iulia, Baia Mare, Bistrita, Brasov, Deva, Galgau, Oradea, Resita, Nasaud, Targu-Lapus, Zalau are independent and they design their own Budgets and Programs, ensuring the decentralized development of the horizontal economic co-operation, in the benefit of over 1400 companies, associated to the CATs – Union of Transilvania Business Centers. Their budgets were not taken into consideration by CAT Cluj 2004 budget. We’ll continue to sustain the CATs and to extend our common activities, especially in the Transilvanian small towns and rural centers.

Designed in 1991 and established in 1992 – Transilvania Business Center – CAT, represented the first nongovernmental-nonprofit-apolitical-private organization after the “Romanian Change of Direction” in December ’89, for developing reformist mechanisms and to accelerate the transition to the new economy. CAT digitalization, launched in 1995 made notable progress, new innovative virtual mechanisms-tools-applications were created and thousands of companies were sustained and oriented towards the e-economy and mBiz.

The DigiCAT will realize by the end of the year the e-payments and e-compensations applications with our members, donators and sponsors. After the integration of the whole Romanian System financial-accounting-banking into the EU Digital System, CAT will pass from the virtual electronic state to the virtual mobile one: eCAT-2-mCAT. The bureaucracy and its products – the corruption and in satisfaction- will be reduce.

The General Assembly will take place at Restaurant UniversT as well on Internet using Yahoo Messenger. We suggest connecting you at the ASTRAL and mobile telephony, to buy a Laptop or communicator, smart phones with WAP and other mobile equipment with MMS, to handle “the new art of mobile lifestyle”.

The 2004 Activities Program and Budget were submitted to the approval of the Board of Directors. The documents are at the CAT members disposal (headquarters: 4, Nicolae Titulescu Blvd, room 1, phone/ fax: +40 264 433768, 0722-517223, e-mail:,) or in electronic form



Cluj-Napoca, 15 february 2004