letter pepe remey to all concerned october 1 1991
Florence, Italy
October 1, 1991
Joseph-Pepe-Remey is sick, tired and fed up with letters such as the one, enclosed with this statement, from individuals who have been indoctrinated into Leland Jensen's DISTORTION OF THE BAHA'I FAITH, upbraiding him for his refusal to submit to Mr. Jensen's so-called PROOFS that he fulfills Prophesy and has been endowed by God to Establish the Kingdom of God on Earth - according to the New Revelation of Baha'u'llah.
The very first point one must understand - beyond reserve, condition or doubt is that
"This is He (Baha'u'llah) whom God promised in all His Books and Scriptures such as the Bible, the Gospels and the Qur'an".....Abdu'l Baha.
The next point to be firmly established is given in the Tablet of Carmel:
"Rejoice, for God hath in this Day established upon thee - meaning Mount Carmel - His throne, hath made thee the dawning-place of His signs and the dayspring of the evidence of His Revelation."
In the Al-Kitab Al-Aqdas, Baha'u'llah states:
"We have opened the seal of the sealed pure wine by the fingers of power and might."
"It is better for a person to read one of my verses then for him to read the books of the ancients and the moderns."
And finally:
"The Promised One has been manifested in the noble Station."
Baha'u'llah declared plainly and repeatedly, that He was the long-expected educator and teacher of all peoples. He, Himself has written regarding the interpretation of the prophecies concerning His Manifestation, that the True Educator Himself is the only One who can break the seals and show the real meanings contained in the casket of words.
Baha'u'llah states in the "Aqdas"
"The Rising-place of Command has no partner in the Very Great Preservation from Error. God has reserved this Station Exclusively for Himself. And a portion in this Great and Unapproachable Dignity has not been destined for anyone else."
After assuring us of the above promises from His Own Pen, Baha'u'llah warns us that:
"Whoever claims Command before the completion of a thousand years is a false liar."
In conclusion: These are but a few quotations from Baha'u'llah Himself. For those who insist on having PROOFS, what better Proof than the Word of Baha'u'llah? In His words, He makes it clear that The Promised One has come and He has in His Own Words all that is needed for Mankind to make a REALITY of the Kingdom of God on Earth which He has Established on Mount Carmel. There is no need to turn back to the Old Books for Baha'u'llah has opened the "seals" and provided mankind with all we need. He tells us, too, that no one has been reserved a share or a partnership in this Revelation nor did He take to Himself a counsellor and finally that anyone claiming Command before the passing of one thousand years is a false liar.
The above is not something "made-up" or "interpreted to suit anyone's personal goals"; - it represents pure and simply what the Manifestation of the New Revelation - THE BAHA'I FAITH - stated HIMSELF.
If anyone reading this simple statement deviates from it by believing someone other than Baha'u'llah has fulfilled ANY prophesies in the Bible, the Gospels and the Qur'an, that person repudiates Abdu'l Baha and Baha'u'llah, Himself and may not consider himself a Baha'i.
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Ignoring all of these assurances and warnings from Baha'u'llah, there are still individuals who believe Mr. Leland Jensen fulfills prophesy. Those individuals are entitled to believe Mr. Jensen is all he claims to be, but they should understand that in adhering to those claims they put themselves OUTSIDE the framework of the Baha'i Faith.
How can anyone claim to be "The Promised One" if Baha'u'llah has claimed that title for Himself? How can anyone claim to be the "Establisher" when Baha'u'llah has claimed that title? How can anyone claim to be the "Educator and Teacher" if Baha'u'llah has claimed that title for Himself? How can anyone claim to have the spiritual power to "Break the Seals" when Baha'u'llah has claimed Himself to be the ONLY ONE who can break the seals and show the real meanings contained in the casket of words?
To give a complete list of the Titles of Mr. Leland Jensen has claimed for himself would require this entire page. He is the return of Joshua, he is the return of Jesus, The Knight on the White Horse, The Distinguished Personage, The Lamb, etc. etc. Mr. Jensen has even been linked to the royal line of Danish Kings!
He is free to make all of those claims for himself and those who accept them and support him in those claims are merely exercising their prerogative to do so. This statement is NOT INTENDED to OPPOSE him in his claims nor to encourage his supporters to abandon him. The purpose of this statement is to explain to Mr. Jensen's supporters who have been "pressuring" and "harassing" Joseph-Pepe-Remey to accept Mr. Jensen in his spiritual station and to participate in his "ORGANIZATION" as the "guardian" to his recently established Second International Council.
Because Joseph-Pepe-Remey has categorically refused to submit to the "pressures" and the "insulting accusations" that he refuses to consider the PROOFS they accept as valid, to the point of threatening him with the "wrath of God" for his refusals; - he is going to give his reasons for refusing those proofs ONLY in DEFENSE of his own convictions and NOT TO DISCREDIT Mr. Jensen's claims - which he has [the] right to make.
PROOF #1 - Mr. Jensen's NAME Leland, which he claims means "The Land". How does he derive at that conclusion? He translates the first two letters of that name "Le" from French into English so that it becomes "The". "Le" in French is the corresponding article "The" in English. But, he leaves the other four letters in English. You just may not do that in translating from one language to another. The entire word must be translated and not only a part of the word. If Mr. Jensen's name were split up into two words: Le Land, he might get away with it. However, even at that it would be "contrived" because people who know the French language know that nouns have "gender" (masculine or feminine). English nouns are "neutral" so the word "The" serves for all nouns in the singular; it being the "definite article". In French, the word Land is translated "Terre" which is a feminine article "La" - In French, "The Land" would be "La Terre". That means that to "get by" Mr. Jensen's 1st name should be La Land. It couldn't even pass by as "Laland" - one word! In conclusion, no matter how one tries to pass it off, it will always be a "contrived" solution and NOT VALID.
PROOF #2 - "The STONE with Seven Eyes". A reasonable person would never accept a tower as being symbolic of an "eye". A window, yes. So we must establish not the number of towers involved, but the number of windows in the 7 towers. I do not know the number. Nevertheless, Mr. Jensen insists the ENTIRE prison was THE STONE. Therefore, we must not count only the windows in the 7 towers, but all the windows in the ENTIRE Prison. how many windows (or "eyes") have we now? Even so, that prison was built where it now stands and could not have been placed BEFORE Mr. Jensen (as Joshua in Zechariah 3). If anything, HE was placed BEFORE the Stone (if the prison is the stone). In fact, he was placed IN the Stone (prison) if anything. Again, it is all "contrived".
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PROOF #3 - "The dirty-jacket" Mr. Jensen claims he wore while in Prison and explains it is an expression used among prison inmates to indicate a man has been sent to prison on false charges. A jacket is only one garment, Zechariah tells us that Joshua was clothed in "filthy garments" - quite different than "a dirty jacket". However, I am willing to "stretch" that detail. Jesus and Baha'u'llah, as did many martyrs, were thrown in prison for their spiritual convictions and they REALLY were filthy garments. Mr. Jensen's "dirty jacket: is only a figure of speech. Prison inmates are not allowed to wear filthy garments now-a-days. I'm willing to "stretch" that point too. The point I refuse to "stretch", however, is the fact that Jensen did not go to prison for his religious convictions as he wishes to "allude" to his followers. He went to prison (after a FAIR TRIAL and found GUILTY) on charges that had nothing what-so-ever to do with Religion. He may or may not have been "guilty"; - he may or may not have been committed on "false charges".....that point does not interest me. Mr. Jensen's spiritual claims would require that he was sent to prison for his Religious convictions and everyone KNOWS he was not. The Court Records can PROVE that! So, here we are again with another "contrived" so-called PROOF!
PROOF #4 - Mr. Jensen claims he started his "mission" in 1963 when he stood up (rebuked) Satan. His "Satan", you all know is supposed to be Mr. Rex King with whom Mr. Jensen had many "confrontations" during the years. All the correspondence was read by Joseph-Pepe-Remey who was serving the Guardian, Mason Remey at the time. Both Rex King and Leland Jensen were supposed to be devoted servants to Mason Remey but NOTHING Mr. Remey could do would stop their constant quarreling. They were at eachother like "cats and dogs". Now here is Mr. Jensen's trick. It was in 1969 (not 1963) that Mason Remey referred to Rex King as being in the STATION of Satan and not Satan. Mr. Jensen was in prison thousands of miles away behind bars and after his release from prison he never saw Rex face-to-face again. In 1963, no one would have considered Rex King "Satan", in 1969, yes, but Mr. Jensen claims he stood up to Satan in 1963! How can that be? Even so, everyone knows that Satan was originally Lucifer, the favorite Arch-angel of God. We know, too, that angels are made of indestructible "stuff" where as Humans are made of destructible "stuff". A Human cannot become a real Satan. Zechariah in his vision saw THE REAL SATAN and not a Human person in the Station of Satan. Abdu'l Baha explained that each one of us may be elevated to the Station of Angels or reduced to the Station of Satan. That does not mean we BECOME Angels or Satans. Mr. Jensen and his co-writers have the bad habit of calling people "Satan" if they oppose him in any way. There is enough proof in his own writings to show that fact. As he has done recently with his former-followers-turned-defectors, he did likewise with Rex King, calling him "Satan" when THAT was not at all what Mason Remey intended. Here again, all "contrived".
PROOF #5 - "The Branch" - Mr. Jensen claims that as Joshua, he is to bring forth the Branch. Read Zechariah 3 for yourselves and you will find that it is the Lord of Hosts who speaks to Joshua stating: "Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, thou, and thy fellows that sit before thee: for they are men wondered at: for, behold I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH"....so it is the Lord of Hosts and not Joshua who brings forth the branch. I don't understand how Jensen got away with that one. It needs no proof from me he is wrong. (or, the Bible is?)
PROOF #6 - The two Brass Mountains. In Zechariah 6, you will read from the very start that: "there came four chariots out from between two mountains; and the mountains were mountains of brass." No individual is mentioned coming from between the mountains; only chariots driven by different colored horses. Unless Jensen is a "chariot" or a "horse", he has no place in that portion of Zechariah's vision. Here, too, I cannot understand how Mr. Jensen places himself between two mountains of brass.....but what has the Prison to do with that? Again it is all "forced" and "contrived" and NO PROOFS at all.
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If anyone reading this thinks I'm enjoying it, you are very mistaken. My reasons for refusing Jensen's proofs have been told over and over so many times, it sickens me to have to repeat them again here. I am doing it and making many copies to send out so that people will stop burdening me with this "nonsense" ever again.
I pleaded with Mr. Jensen so many times I can't remember to PLEASE leave me out of his propaganda and to stop telling lies and making his false accusations against Mason Remey and myself. Still he persists. Would you not agree he is PERSECUTING ME? Recently, a CARTOON drawn up by a Mr. MOTT - depicting Mr. Jensen unseated from the saddled horse he was riding and fallen to the ground in a dizzy-spell. The Caption to Mr. Mott's cartoon read: "Pepe, Pepe, why do you PERSECUTE me?" It made me laugh.....I PERSECUTE YOU? Why, Mr. Jensen, only YOU AND GOD KNOWS how YOU have been persecuting ME all these past years. All you had to do was stop trying to dictate to me what I should or should not believe and stop telling all those LIES about Mason Remey, deceased and unable to defend himself. Have you no consideration for the dead?
Now let me ask one question to whoever is reading this statement: What would YOU do, if a man went about printing and distributing material packed with lies, false accusations and made-up stories about YOUR deceased father? Sit back, coward-like and let him get away with it? Or, do as I have been unrelentlessly doing - oppose him and force him to stop?
It is not my purpose here to give my proofs that Mr. Jensen has told lies about Mason Remey and myself. Some of his former supporters who refused to believe me in the past are now getting a "dose" of the same medicine and realize Joseph-Pepe-Remey was telling the TRUTH after all. Their apologies have come, but, too late.
Before concluding allow me to make one last objection to Mr. Jensen's claim to fulfill prophesy which is considered unvalid. He has claimed to fulfill Baha'i Prophesy. Abdu'l Baha Himself has stated He was not a Prophet. Therefore nothing He wrote can be used as a Prophesy. Abdu'l Baha did foretell of "conditions" and "events" that were to come about in the future. The only time he referred to an "individual" in His writings He intended Baha'u'llah and no one else. The ONLY prophesy existing in Baha'u'llah's writings that refers to an "individual" is the warning that anyone claiming to take Command before one thousand years is a FALSE LIAR. Thus, if Mr. Jensen insists he fulfills Baha'i Prophesy, he can only be that FALSE LIAR.
You have followed Mr. Jensen have been mis-led to believe you were indoctrinated into the Baha'i Faith. That is a fallacy. You have, in effect, been indoctrinated into Mr. Jensen's JENSENITE Faith.
In the Baha'i Faith, individuals are encouraged to become independent of anyone. One turns only to the Guardian whom one must OBEY. A believer may not always AGREE with the Guardian, but he is required to OBEY. Read Mr. Robbins' letter enclosed herewith and ask yourself if that letter is an example of OBEDIENCE to the Guardian. Mr. Robbins goes so far as to threaten the Guardian with a visit from The Lord God of Israel. Read the top of Page 4 from a letter to Joseph-Pepe-Remey by Mr. Neal Chase and ask yourselves if what he expresses and his ugly expressions and condemnations represents what Baha'u'llah would be "honored" by. Is this what God expects as the product of His New Revelation? Did God trouble Himself and Baha'u'llah to give Mankind a new message for such results? Are these the people God has sent with a special spiritual mission to Establish His Kingdom on Earth? If so, my dear friends, Joseph-Pepe-Remey wants no part of it.
[s] Joseph-Pepe-Remey
PS: It has truly PAINED me to have to write this statement but I have been literally DRIVEN to it to preserve my mental sanity.
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Source: Dave Cornell