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study of religious authority
Abdu'l-Baha Letters
translation letter 86 vol 12
Chase Letters
an open letter march 18, 2004
ben joseph aghsan letter
letter chase to michael mccarron november 9 2009
letter chase to pepe april 21, 1990
letter chase to pepe december 25, 1989
mormon prophecies of seventh angel
neal chase Galatians 4 and the Priesthood
neal chase to all jewery june 16, 1994
neal chase to dave cornell may 5 2002
neal chase to francis spataro june 9 1992
neal chase to francis spataro may 1992
neal chase to patrick labbe july 1992
neal chase to pepe remey september 16, 1991
neal chase to pepe remey spetember 26, 1991
neal chase to the friends october 27, 1992
two administrations december 12, 1991
Cornell Letters
correspondences between cornell and chase april 30 2002
letter cornell to neal chase june 2 2002
Daniel Scherr Letters
Donald Harvey Letters
donald harvey to leland jensen june 20 1975
harvey visits mason 1972
letter harvey to brent mathieu may 22 1975
Glenn Goldman Letters
door shepherd and the lamb
evidence for guardianship august 31, 2009
Hands of the Cause of God Letters
Jensen Letters
910502 jensen 7th epistle to pepe remey
a better view of the ibc
comments 7-19-75
jensen epistel 1 to pepe June 8 1989
jensen epistle 2 to pepe july 1989
jensen epistle 3 to pepe december 7 1989
jensen epistle 4 to pepe january 18 1990
jensen epistle 5 to pepe may 4 1990
jensen epistle 6 to pepe august 28 1990
leland jensen to kam april 2 1992
leland jensen to pepe remey february 14 1994
leland jensen to pepe remey february 19, 1992
leland jensen to trevor january 7 1994
letter jensen christmas 1975 message
letter jensen to brent mathieu may 2 1991
letter jensen to brent mathieu september 18 1976
letter jensen to charles gaines july 30 1991
letter jensen to diane mathieu february 7 1990
letter jensen to patrick labbe june 9 1992
letter jensen to pepe april 9 1976
letter jensen to pepe august 2 1975
letter jensen to pepe december 17 1975
letter jensen to pepe march 1 1976
letter jensen to pepe may 11 1976
letter jensen to pepe remey april 12 1994
letter jensen to pepe remey december 1 1991
letter jensen to pepe remey march 1 1976
letter jensen to vinson brown 1988
letter jensen to vinson brown 1989
letter leland jensen to charles gaines august 8 1978
letter to joel marangella
letter to pepe remey circa 1975
letter to pepe remey july 19 1975
mary wilkin to leland jensen july 28, 1976
Rough Draft of a paper by Dr. Jensen describing Pepe's appointment 1975
Mason Remey Letters
1960 Announcement to the Hands (partial)
1960 Proclomation
albert vail to cmr 1933
archived collections
catastrophe prediction 1962
CMR Another Appeal to the Hands
CMR First Appeal to the Hands
CMR First Encyclical Letter
CMR Last Appeal to the Hands 1960
CMR Second Encyclical Letter
CMR Third Encyclical Letter
cmr to husayn rabbani 1933
daily observations vol. 3
daily observations vol. 4
glad tidings november 1965
harvey appointment letter may 23 1967
persian prophecy from 1910
the question of the Guardianship circulated 1960
token received from abdu'l-baha
Will and Testament of Charles Mason Remey
Mathieu Letters
march 17, 2004 continued
to whom it may concern april 7, 2004
to whom it may concern march 17 2004
Montana Supreme Court
Pepe Letters
letter joseph pepe to doc july 24 1975
letter pepe remey to all concerned october 1 1991
letter pepe remey to brent matheiu april 29, 1991
letter pepe remey to brent matheiu february 2 1991
letter pepe remey to brent mathieu may 15 1991
letter pepe remey to brent mathieu october 25 1976
letter pepe remey to brent mathieu september 10, 1990
letter pepe remey to brent mathieu september 27, 1991
letter pepe remey to ex-jensenites
letter pepe remey to jensen january 31 1993
letter pepe remey to neal chase september 9 1991
letter pepe remey to opal jensen july 25 1990
letter pepe remey to whom it may concern november 1 1991
letter pepe to brent mathieu february 2, 1992
letter pepe to jensen august 24 1975
letter pepey remey to leland jensen january 18 1994
pepe remey clarification of a statement september 30 1991
pepe remey outline of bahai administration october 9, 1991
pepe remey to brent mathieu december 14, 1991
pepe remey to dianne mathieu december 14, 1991
pepe remey to kay woods november 20 1991
pepe remey to leland jensen february 9 1992
pepe remey to leland jensen january 19, 1992
pepe remey to leland jensen may 13, 1990
pepe remey to neal chase january 1992
pepe remey to neal chase october 5, 1991
pepe remey to patrick labbe april 27, 1992
pepe remey to whom it may concern november 19, 1991
Pepe to Leland Jensen Jan 22 1992
R J Konczyk letters
Robert Balch Letters
when the bombs drop
Shoghi Effendi Letters
2 principles
admin tests 1929
Formation of International Baha'i Council january 9 1951
head organic
se to cmr (mason as guide to others)
se to mr 1933
se to mr feb 16 1933
us uk nsa 1951
sIBC Letters
court case documents
incorporation december 20, 1993
islam and the return of jesus majority sibc 2004
sIBC Book of Order
sibc order 1
sibc order 10
sibc order 11
sibc order 12
sibc order 13
sibc order 14
sibc order 2
sibc order 3
sibc order 4
sibc order 5
sibc order 6
sibc order 7
sibc order 8
sibc order 9
sIBC By Laws
sibc declaration draft 1991
sibc morrisite letter
sibc organizational meeting notes december 20, 1993
sibc to amy krueger august 15, 1991
sibc to friends 1993
the door the shepherd the lamb majority sibc 2004
women on the universal house of justice
Wind Jensen Letters
3 temples veils
wind jensen to sibc december 11 2001
Woods Letters
proofs for the guardianship of neal chase
Field Notes
Ezekiels Temple
Rainbow Gathering, Washington State, 2011
Works Cited
Audio Firesides
Proofs for Baha'u'llah
Proofs for Jesus
Purpose of Life
study covenant part 1
Proofs for Bahaullah
Proofs for Jesus
Purpose of Life
Jensen Writings
4 veils of Daniel
Jeanne Dixon was Right (1980)
most mighty document (1979)
Over the Wall part 1
Over the Wall part 2
the seven churches
Seventh Angel (1994)
the beast (1973)
Research Papers
anthropology studies of religion
Baha'i Divisions
Cosmos as Meditation
chapter 1 - symbolic language & cosmology
chapter 10 - bahai sufi enneagram
abdul baha mind body soul notes
bahai soul stages
enneagram in baha'i eschatology
four valleys with annotations
Multicultural Enneagram Random Notes
Psychology of Personality
sufi enneagram notes
chapter 2 - creation in the quran
chapter 3 - neo-platonism in islamic thought
chapter 4 - baha'i and sufi symbolic cosmology
chapter 5 - shia gnostic cosmology
chapter 6 - knowledge in mulla sadra and sufism
chapter 7 - commentary on the seven valleys
chapter 8 - sufi resurrection
chapter 9 - bahai sufi spiritual practices
Covenant in the Quran
Genealogical Studies
Historical Overview
lgbtqi bahais
Linguistic Studies
Millenarian Studies
cole iranian millenarianism
Proto-Semitic Terms in Abraham 3
research notes
Academic Freedom Among Baha'is
administrative order
bahai prophetology
biblical prophecies
covenant `ahd mithaq
cultural clues of succession
early bahai recollection of dr jensen
eisegesis (tahrif)
endowments prophecy
executive (ra'is)
flow of divine authority - bupc
flow of divine authority - harvey lineage
flow of divine authority - obf ( بهائیان حقیقی)
OBF definition of Aghsan
flow of divine authority bwf
aghsan as defined by BWF
fujita san or son
greatest name
hidden knowledge
Holy Family
house of guardianship and interpretation center
idhn (authority)
Ismaili origins to mormonism
knowledge of ahl al bayt
mahtum (ordained) محتوم
McCormick Pilgrim Notes 1933
mizan al-qist scales of justice
Persian Hands of the Cause of God
pilgrim notes passages
president of the ibc
question (of) authority
Remey Archive
revelation of john
road to capernaum
salat (prayer)
seventh angel
third personage
shoghis family
silsilah (descent groups or kinship)
spiritual fictive kinship study
succession to abdul baha
textual communitiess
timeline will and testament
true brother
UHJ can repeal it's own laws on Guardianship
will and testament of shoghi effendi
women on the uhj
Sect or Cult?
sociology studies of religion
Soteriological Studies
2520 Years Timeline
bahai timeline
Qur'anic 1844
About This Site
Mormon Authority Study
Morrisite Letters
1867 Vision of Mahomet
April 1873 Vision of the Danish King
aug 12 1863
Aug 15 1864
August 21 1865
august 21 1865 (#2)
August 9 1865
December 27 1881 (pyramids)
February 14, 1862 Interview with Celestial Beings
february 24 1865
gems of inspiration
Jan 6th, 1879
january 4 1865
july 4 1865
june 4 1865
march 1864
March 26th 1879 tribes of azareth
morrisite cosmology
november 1865
november 29 1864
october 10th 1876 high priest imprisoned
october 1864
Rainbow Gathering Studies
alchemical fires
Baha'i Teachings (Firesides) at Gathering
July 3rd Black Elk Speaks
Cha'i Baha'i Pics
Hopi Prophecy Rock
Indigenous Prophecies
Legend of the White Buffalo (Pahana)
Washington 2011 pictures
study of religious authority
letter leland jensen to charles gaines august 8 1978
see attached pdf document
Source: Dave Cornell
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