AspireOS, video overlay and some toughts

Post date: 23.des.2011 17:07:30

Hi All

Been a quite busy year with 5 updates since AspireOS first release this summer.

Video overlay might not happen at all, sorry about that. Lets see.

There will be a new bootable ISO for AspireOS. It is time for that.

With the new ISO it will important that you have updated original AspireOS installation to

version 1.5 else you will have to do a clean installation from new ISO to do future updates.

With the new ISO it will also be possible to boot AspireOS on more hardware than before.

I will anounce the news when ready. I'm quite happy about current state of AspireOS

and feel that updates are not needed as regular as before. Expect 5-6 updates a year from

now on.