AspireOS update codename "High Voltage" ready

Post date: 24.sep.2011 10:46:35

With this update you can now run Amiga games and demos without copyrighted roms.

Great Music program called MilkyTracer, many modules are included.

BoingIconBar is another fantastic addon to AspireOS. With BIB you can have your

favorite programs in a launcher that will show up if you move mouse pointer to

button of screen. To add or remove programs from it you have to do that from

BIB.prefs and save. At current state you have to reboot to see your new config.

every time you change BIB.prefs

Another fanstic program now included in AspireOS is Shapshoter. Located in Extras:


Also a couple of new games and more recent AROS kernel and system files.

If you are Samsung or Dell netbook user, remember to change hdaudio.config and hdaudio

driver to the one called

Same goes with Sys:system/network/AROSTCP/S/Package-Startup if you use USB

network stick.

For more info look at AspireOS page.