Overview of Covered and Exempt Units

Post date: Jul 21, 2016 4:45:56 PM

Most residential rental units in buildings that were constructed before June 13, 1979 are covered by the San Francisco Rent Ordinance. Commercial units and residential units in buildings for which a certificate of occupancy was first issued after June 13, 1979 are exempt from the Rent Ordinance.

The following types of dwelling units are also exempt from the Rent Ordinance, regardless of when the building was constructed:​

Certain dwelling units whose rents are controlled or regulated by another government unit, agency or authority may be exempt from the rent increase limitations of the Ordinance, but are still subject to the just cause eviction provisions. In addition, pursuant to a state law, the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act, some single-family homes and condominiums may be exempt from the rent increase limitations of the Ordinance but not the just cause eviction provisions.

If there is a question about whether a unit is covered by or exempt from the Rent Ordinance, a landlord or a tenant may file a petition at the Rent Board for a determination of jurisdiction. To receive a copy of the landlord or tenant petition form, you can fax it to yourself through our Fax Back system by calling (415) 252-4660 or visit our website at www.sfrb.org. The forms are also available at our office.


August 2006

*This is not original content - original source HERE.