Security Deposit Refund

See also Security Deposit - Civil Code Section 1950.5


Under California law, 21 calendar days or less after move out, landlord must either:

Allowable Charges

California law specifically allows the landlord to use a tenant's security deposit for four purposes:

Carpets & Drapes Replacement

Normal wear and tear to carpets, drapes and other furnishings cannot be charged against a tenant's security deposit. Normal wear and tear includes simple wearing down of carpet and drapes because of normal use or aging, and includes moderate dirt or spotting. In contrast, large rips or indelible stains justify a deduction from the tenant's security deposit for repairing the carpet or drapes, or replacing them if that is reasonably necessary. Here are a couple of methods of calculating charges:


A landlord may properly deduct from the departing tenant's security deposit to make the rental unit as clean as it was when the tenant moved in.

A landlord cannot routinely charge each tenant for cleaning carpets, drapes, walls, or windows in order to prepare the rental unit for the next tenancy. Instead, the landlord must look at how well the departing tenant cleaned the rental unit, and may charge cleaning costs only if the departing tenant left the rental unit (or a portion of it) less clean than when he or she moved in. Reasonable cleaning costs would include the cost of such things as eliminating flea infestations left by the tenant's animals, cleaning the oven, removing decals from walls, removing mildew in bathrooms, defrosting the refrigerator, or washing the kitchen floor. But the landlord could not charge for cleaning any of these conditions if they existed at the time that the departing tenant moved in. In addition, the landlord could not charge for the cumulative effects of wear and tear. Suppose, for example, that the tenant had washed the kitchen floor but that it remained dingy because of wax built up over the years. The landlord could not charge the tenant for stripping the built-up wax from the kitchen floor.

The landlord is allowed to deduct from the tenant's security deposit only the reasonable cost of cleaning the rental unit.


Prorate paint life until 2 years tenancy, don't charge after 2 years tenancy, EXCEPT for damages. Damages include extra primer over dark tenant paint, holes in the wall, drywall repair due to tenant negligence, etc.

Two methods of charging paint:

Wear & Tear VS Damages Chart